Regional Government delivers million-dollar equipment to benefit the public health of Greater Valparaíso – Radio Festival

Regional Government delivers million-dollar equipment to benefit the public health of Greater Valparaíso – Radio Festival
Regional Government delivers million-dollar equipment to benefit the public health of Greater Valparaíso – Radio Festival

This afternoon the governor of the Valparaíso Region, Rodrigo Mundaca, officially handed over the replacement equipment for the Winter Campaign of the Carlos Van Buren Hospital, project financed by the Regional Government of Valparaíso that will enhance the medical care capabilities of the Neonatology, Pediatric and Adult units of this important healthcare facility in the commune of Valparaíso.

Specific, The initiative had financing of more than two billion pesos from the Regional Government and consists of the acquisition of a series of essential instruments for the adequate medical care of this healthcare facility. In total there are 178 pieces of equipment, which include 34 portable saturometers, two ophthalmoscopes, two otoscopes, six adult and infant scales, ten extendable cribs, six electric ICU beds, four transport stretchers, a neonatal echotomography machine, six ICU incubators and transportation, a phototherapy lamp, 28 adult neonatal and pediatric ventilators, eleven apnea monitors, 50 vital signs and multiparameter monitors, five electrocardiographs, ten defibrillator monitors, one adult monitoring center and two neo and pediatric UPC monitoring centers.

It should be noted that 30% of the Van Buren Hospital Winter Campaign equipment is in operation, 32% is in the commissioning process, 15% is in the installation process, while 23% of the equipment is in waiting for reception.

Following this significant opening for Van Buren Hospital, the regional governor of Valparaíso, Rodrigo Mundacaassured that “We are very satisfied with this work that we have done with the technical and professional teams, with the medical team of the Carlos Van Buren Hospital (…) a tremendously important hospital, probably one of the most important in our region. Last year I had to meet with David Gutiérrez and his entire medical team to talk about the needs that the Neo, Pediatric and Adult units of this hospital had in order to successfully face the Winter Campaign of the year 2023. It was very difficult. do it in 2023 because we met after the second half of April 2023. However, they presented us with a quite ambitious project (…) Today this initiative is a reality (…) I am very satisfied because these equipment saves lives. That’s what we’re talking about: saving the lives of children, of babies who are born and who require good care, who require high-generation ultrasound machines (…) this is what the Regional Government does, this is what decentralization does when it is made available to their communities, their territories. When today we see the satisfaction on the faces of the doctors of this hospital. When we see the satisfaction on the face of David, the director of this hospital, and of all those who accompany the management of Dr. Gutiérrez, Dr. Paula who is in charge of the Neo and Pediatric units. The truth is that I am very happy. Outside of all types of trenches, I think that is the important thing. This is the important thing about starting the week with good news.”

For his part, the director of the Carlos Van Buren Hospital, Dr. David Gutiérrezhe pointed “We are satisfied with the excellent work, the equipment we are receiving today is of the highest quality. The entire budget was executed and even money was saved. In other words, here it is not just about buying, but you have to work to buy well and we are very proud that this was done (…) we are happy, and we are toasting, toasting with good health.”

Finally, the director of the Valparaíso – San Antonio Health Service, Cristian Gálvezmaintained that “We are happy to see this initiative, which represents important progress, especially in terms of quality and patient safety. The arrival of new equipment and equipment allows us to improve the standard of care in an establishment that certainly requires support and support (…) The arrival of this equipment and particularly in critical units, in the context of the Winter Campaign , where respiratory diseases and the number of patients with health problems of this type increase, then allows us to improve the standard and quality of patient care and safety, especially.”

Likewise, the director of the Van Buren Hospital, Dr. David Gutiérrezgave recognition to Governor Rodrigo Mundaca “To him and through him to each of the members of the Valparaíso Regional Council, who made the financing and acquisition of clinical equipment for our institution possible. “With their actions they have demonstrated their deep commitment to public health, to Valparaíso, the region and its inhabitants.”

It should be noted that during the 2023 administration, the Regional Government of Valparaíso invested more than eleven billion pesos in health, which represents 9% of the GORE’s total investment.

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