More than 2,000 people visit the UCN Guayacán Campus on Heritage Day « UCN news up to date – Universidad Católica del Norte

More than 2,000 people visit the UCN Guayacán Campus on Heritage Day « UCN news up to date – Universidad Católica del Norte
More than 2,000 people visit the UCN Guayacán Campus on Heritage Day « UCN news up to date – Universidad Católica del Norte

The Guayacán Campus of the Universidad Católica del Norte, in Coquimbo, opened its doors to the entire community so that they could enjoy a tour of its facilities within the framework of Heritage Day.

The day began at 10:30 a.m. with the first heritage tour that started from the entrance of the campus, where the group was guided through the most emblematic points of the institution, starting at the Faculty of Medicine, where the mural is located ” The Medicine of Indo-America to the Third Millennium”, work of the prominent regional artist Daniel Palominos, who using ceramics and clay portrays the Coquimbo Region and its history.

The second point that was part of the route was the 8M Collective Mural, a work that had the participation of the university community, where the contribution of women in education is highlighted and whose central figure is our Nobel Prize winner, Gabriela Mistral. . This work was developed by the muralist Iván Jorquera Olivares, who was inspired by the women of the region and their landscapes.

Subsequently, the attendees went to the Memorial for Life, “El Último Abrazo”, a sculpture designed by the UCN Commercial Engineering student, Rossio Bujes Cuadra, who paid tribute to those who unfortunately left during the pandemic. This work was executed by local sculptor Tomás Briceño Barraza and is located overlooking the Bahía de la Herradura, on Avenida Dra. Erika Fonck O’Brien, in a small square surrounded by forestation of native species that hope to become a forest to remember. and honor life.

As the culmination point of the tour, the community was able to enjoy the UCN Aquarium and Museum, an instance of entertainment and education for adults and children where they could have an approach to the various species and wonders of the different marine communities of the Coquimbo Region, in addition to having the opportunity to visit the interactive pool, a space where closer contact is generated with species of marine invertebrates in the area.


There were a total of 3 heritage tours that took place on Sunday, May 26, where a total of 1,392 people participated. This, added to the 624 people who visited the Aquarium and Museum on Saturday the 27th, which gives a figure that exceeds 2,000 people who were part of this new edition of Heritage Day.

Sabrina Cortés, UCN Nursing student and monitor of the heritage route, positively valued the reception of the people, stating that “they were very willing to listen, asked many questions and took many photographs.” In that same sense, Marcela Robles Urrutia, who participated in one of the tours, valued the decentralization of heritage panoramas, “we were looking forward to it, there are not many opportunities of this type in which we can see emblematic points like these,” he claimed.

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