Generating more than 500 business models through the Shark Utepsa program

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June 3, 2024, 4:21 PM

June 3, 2024, 4:21 PM

SHARK UTEPSA: The year 2021 was born as a result of a challenge to change the methodology, learning and experience of the students of the Entrepreneurial Development subject, being a transversal subject in all the university’s majors. Subject that aims to provide our students with the tools, techniques and skills to develop entrepreneurship through the generation of triple impact business models (providing economic, social and environmental solutions), in response to the E9 pedagogical model. of the university that works with lines of action in Entrepreneurship together with the sustainable development objectives, which in 2018 Utepsa received recognition for working with the 17 SDGs.

Action verticals of business models?

As they are triple impact business models, the Verticals are described on the problems or needs identified by the entrepreneurial ecosystem, being the following:

– Entrepreneurship of innovative products or services

– Solutions to respond to the needs of society

These verticals are in accordance with the university’s lines of action together with the Sustainable Development objectives:

to. Entrepreneurship works with the SDGs: 1-2-8 and 9.

b. Technology innovation and development working with the SDGs: 2 -6-7-8 and 9

c. Environment with the SDGs: 1-2-6-7-11-12 and 13

What is the SHARK UTEPSA modality?

The modality of the SHARK UTEPSA program is to present the students’ triple impact business models before an external jury, both national and international, made up of recognized experts in entrepreneurship, as the year 2021 begins with the program, the modality was Hybrid since due to During the pandemic, several hybrid classes were maintained and the participation of international grand juries from Brazil from the UNICENTRO University and from Spain from the Complutense University of Madrid was taken advantage of. The purpose was to take advantage of the knowledge of the international juries to filter and validate the efficiency of the business model proposals.

What is the experience that students live with the juries?

The students experience the same adrenaline of an international SHARK TANK. The juries evaluate like the sharks themselves, asking questions about business model innovation, feasibility, scalability, among other questions. Our students must defend their business models against wind and tide for that they have all the preparation of our team of expert and trained teachers. This experience allows our students to be prepared to present their business models to future investors.

At the end of the evaluation the jury chooses the business models with the highest scores. The winners enter mentoring from the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center and the International Hackathon Smart and Sustainable Cities, a new entrepreneurship program that pursues the acceleration of the business models presented at the SHARK UTEPSA with the support of our network of strategic partners, both national as international.

Image of the winning teams with Erick Valverde from Yaigo as one of the juries.

How many versions does the SHARK UTEPSA program have?

The SHARK UTEPSA program, to date, has 30 versions, with more than 500 business models presented to date, which is why they also call us the Triple Impact Business Model Factory, between 8 to 12 are presented per month. business models, which mostly respond to the needs of our strategic allies or the community.

How did our program evolve?


At the beginning we were inspired by the international SHARK TANK program, after some versions and the impact that the program had caused in our environment and in the entrepreneurship ecosystem, we decided to create our own brand called SHARK UTEPSA, to formalize and adapt to the mission from the university “Educate to Undertake and Serve”

Environment Alliances with the SHARK UETPSA program

As a result of the positive impact generated by the presentation of triple impact business models, we have had different strategic partners, both local, national and international companies and institutions, with the aim of being able to accelerate the same and thus ensuring that our students and professionals can generate sources of employment through their ventures, contributing to the country’s economy.

Our commitment to the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center, together with the SHARK UTEPSA program, is to contribute and respond to the needs of our environment and society in general, through training with a global vision, skills and tools in entrepreneurship for our professionals.

Head of the UTEPSA Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center

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