Vice Mayor Javier Pretto recounted an incredible experience with “aliens”

Javier Pretto is a politician with extensive experience. He is currently the vice mayor of the city of Córdoba, but he was also mayor of La Carlota, his hometown, and a national deputy for the PRO, where he served as the majority of the Ucedé leadership.

Furthermore, in a passion that he shares with Daniel Passerini, he is an amateur musician: he is a drummer and guitar teacher; and even during his youth he was part of a typical group that animated parties in towns in the southern province.

In a revelation, in the last hours he told the program “From the court to the living room” an experience from a few years ago, when – Pretto insisted – he would have achieved a sighting of “luminous beings” in the Uritorco area, in Capilla del Monte.

The anecdote began when, in the typical ping pong format, with point-blank answers, they asked the vice mayor if he believed in the existence of extraterrestrials: “Not only do I believe, I have seen them; “We are friends,” he said without hesitation. The hosts – Jorge Nahum and Sandra Pittari – celebrated with laughter what seemed like a joke.

Upon returning from court, Pretto dedicated several minutes to recounting the experience he lived when he was mayor of La Carlota, a position he held between 1999 and 2011. At that same time, the current vice mayor of Córdoba displayed another of his passions: he was a Tourism pilot. National class 2 in four races during the year 2000, as Pretto recounted in this profile of his many concerns.

Celebration of We Make Together for Córdoba, Daniel Passerini became the new Mayor of the Capital. (Facundo Luque / The Voice)

But back to the aliens.

Pretto said that when he was leading the destinations of La Carlota, Wangchen Lah, a Tibetan monk who led “The House of Tibet” in Barcelona, ​​arrived in the town. The monk’s visit was recounted by The voice in this note, in which he spoke about karma: “The stereotype of a serious and silent Buddhist monk is lost when talking to Wangchen: he doesn’t stop talking or smiling and laughing. And she says that she learned that positive attitude from his teacher, the Dalai Lama himself, with whom he studied when, at 16, he decided to become a Buddhist monk,” the chronicler wrote.

The point is that Wangchen Lah asked Pretto “to visit those special beings in Capilla del Monte,” the current vice mayor recalled; Therefore, they undertook the 370 kilometer journey with two other people. In Capilla del Monte they were received by the Secretary of Government at the time, Osvaldo Allie.

The Tibetan monk Wangchen Lah during his time in Córdoba, in 2009. (La Voz / Archive).
The Tibetan monk Wangchen Lah during his time in Córdoba, in 2009. (La Voz / Archive).

Always according to the story of the current vice mayor of the Capital, after the required meetings, with nightfall over Capilla del Monte, the Buddhist monk, Pretto himself and the other two men, guided by a local, left the vehicle at the At the edge of a road, they crossed the fence and, on the instructions of the baqueano, climbed on a rock to see the hill from there.

The local, Pretto continues in his story, advised them to look at where the union of the two hills is projected. With their arms crossed, the four – the Government Secretary had joined the mission – prepared to observe, while the Tibetan chose to meditate.

After 10 minutes, always in the vice-intendant’s story, “a light appears, a white egg turns into” and in that scenario the “special beings” begin to embody, about two thousand meters away: “There were five, they began to approach suspended in the air: a smaller one –Pretto describes–, which approaches five or six meters; two bigger ones behind; and two larger ones behind,” Pretto describes the xenobiology of the extraterrestrials.

While the hosts of the program waited for some kind of “punchline,” convinced until that moment that the story was a joke played on them by the vice mayor, he continued his story with more details.

“We were all surprised, but Osvaldo (Allie) calmed us down, told us that they were monitoring us, and then translated the language that he knows,” he said regarding a supposed code of verbal communication between those beings and that Allie would interpret fluently. The experience lasted, in Pretto’s memory, about 10 or 15 minutes.

Pretto returned to Capilla del Monte some time later, without the Tibetan monk, but accompanied by his son. This time they went to “alpha” hill. Although on this occasion he did not have contact with “special beings”, he said that he was able to visualize the lights of the “city of Erks” (Meeting of sidereal cosmic remnants), where the “special beings” would live, the myth that Ángel Cristo Acoglanis fed. since 1983 when Capilla del Monte began to transform into what it is: “The Mecca of Argentine contactism.”

Pretto and the story of the aliens

This Monday, in dialogue with radio Miter, Pretto told the story again.

He considered that the lights looked “like a fluorescent tube, which is shaped like an oval.” “That’s the size we saw, some were 10 meters away, 20 meters away, and 30 meters away, that’s what we saw.”

“If someone is interested in the topic, they should go to Cerro Alfa, they will see a lot of lights on one side, there if they are lucky enough they will find out,” he added. “It is not believing, or not believing, it can be seen with the naked eye on Cerro Alfa.”

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