Felipe Pigna performs in Bahía: “20 years of the myths of Argentine history”

Felipe Pigna performs in Bahía: “20 years of the myths of Argentine history”
Felipe Pigna performs in Bahía: “20 years of the myths of Argentine history”

The historian Felipe Pigna will appear this Wednesday in Bahía Blanca with his work “20 years of the myths of Argentine history.”

The event will be at 9 p.m. at the Gran Plaza Teatro and tickets can be purchased through ticketbahia.com and at the theater box office.

In this talk, Pigna proposes a tour of crucial moments and characters in Argentine history. Figures that promoted cultural, political, economic and social changes prior to the 20th century, focusing on the power relations that have been woven over the years, as if pulling the threads of a historical tangle that reaches to the present.

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In 2004, Pigna published the first volume of this book that aims to bring national history closer to readers, to tell our story together. The interest generated by this first book motivated Felipe to undertake four other Myths, the last one published in 2013. “Something they will have done for Argentine history” is the television version of Los Mitos, of which he was the host together with Mario Pergolini.

This 2024, twenty years after the first publication, Felipe Pigna proposes this meeting in our city, in which he will share a synthesis of the five volumes.

Pigna was born in Mercedes, Buenos Aires, in 1959. He is a history teacher. He directed the “See History” project of the Carlos Pellegrini Higher School of Commerce of the University of Buenos Aires, with which the film documentary 200 years of Argentine history, with thirteen chapters, was made.

In theater, he is the protagonist of children’s plays adapted from his books: Insolent Women, In Search of the Traces of Manuel Belgrano (the Legacy), The Tales of Grandpa José. With tickets sold out, these shows were presented at the Belgrano Auditorium, Astros theater and Seminari de Escobar.

On television he hosted Confidential History, Life and Return, The Thought of the Past and The Rearview Mirror on Channel 7. He was the host along with Mario Pergolini of Something They Will Have Done for Argentine History, based on his books The Myths of Argentine History, broadcast on Channel 13 and Telefé, which reached 25 rating points in prime time and won the Martín Fierro award in 2006 and 2007, and the Clarín award in 2006 and 2009. He hosted the documentary series on the Latin American bicentennials Unidos por la story, winner of the Martín Fierro cable award.

He has published The contemporary world (1999), Contemporary Argentina (2000), Past in present (2001), Confidential history (2003), The myths of Argentine history (2004), The myths of Argentine history, volume 2 (2005 ), The Thought of the Past (2006), The Long Night of the Dictatorship and The Night of the Long Canes (2006, together with María Seoane), The Myths of Argentine History, Volume 3 (2006), The Argentine Comic Strip (2007- 2016), Evita (2007), José de San Martín, documents for its history (2008), The myths of Argentine history, volume 4 (2008), Stories of our history, an animated story for children and not so children (six book and DVD volumes), Libertadores de América (2009, Manuel Alvar Award in the Humanities category of the Lara Foundation, Madrid, published in Argentina, Spain and Colombia), 1810, the other story of our founding revolution (2010), Women they had to be. History of our disobedient, incorrect, rebels and fighters (2011), Evita, shreds of her life (2012, published in Argentina, Spain and Colombia), The myths of Argentine history, volume 5 (2013), To the great Argentine people health. A history of Argentine wine, the national drink (2014), The voice of the Great Chief. Life and thoughts of José de San Martín (2014), Manuel Belgrano. The man of the Bicentennial (2016), Life for the country. A biography of Mariano Moreno (2017), Insolent Women of History I and II (2018), The Tales of Grandpa José (2019), The Tales of Don Manuel. The legacy (2020), Manuel Belgrano. Life and thoughts of a revolutionary (2020), Gardel (2020), Streets. To get lost and find yourself in Argentine history (2022) and Los Güemes (2023).

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