“Together in all”: how Argentines celebrate the magic of everyday life

“Together in all”: how Argentines celebrate the magic of everyday life
“Together in all”: how Argentines celebrate the magic of everyday life

Coca-Cola launched promotions and alliances with discounts and special combos to be present in the various moments of daily life (Coca-Cola)

With more than eight decades of presence in Argentina, Coca Cola follows the path of innovation that continues to surprise consumers with proposals that reflect its commitment to the community.

The new campaignTogether in all”, developed by the Gray Argentina / Open X agency, is no exception. This series of stories aims to celebrate the magic of simple things or everyday but significant moments in life, where what is never missing is a Coca-Cola.

“With Juntos en todos we seek to reflect the values ​​of Coca-Cola and how throughout history we have been and continue to be part of the table of Argentines, sharing every moment, both the good and the challenging ones,” Gabriela Carracedo explained to Infobae. , Sr. Marketing Director of Coca-Cola for Argentina and Uruguay.

Coca-Cola’s new campaign faithfully recreated everyday scenarios to convey the essence and magic of simple moments (Coca-Cola)

“We will be investing heavily in bringing our brands closer to all consumers. Coca-Cola de Argentina, together with our four bottling partners, has been redoubling our efforts for more than 20 years in the development of returnability. In addition, we are presenting small packages at a convenient value so that everyone can also treat themselves whenever they want,” Carracedo assured.

On the other hand, in line with the campaign motto, the company is in the process of generating agreements with different restaurants and gastronomic chains. A first alliance has already been closed with The Milanese Club through which a combo of Milanese with mashed potatoes or French fries and Coca Cola at 7,500 pesos, which represents a saving of 36% compared to the suggested list price from May 20 to June 30, 2024.

This type of collaboration reflects the brand’s effort to be present at various moments in the daily lives of Argentines, such as the implementation of the “savings zones” in more than 57 thousand retail stores throughout the country. This initiative makes it easier to identify economical options and offers discounts of between 15% and 20% on other packaging.

“Together in all” celebrates how Argentines share the small everyday joys with Coca-Cola in every significant moment of their lives (Coca-Cola)

One of the most notable aspects of “Together in All” is the authenticity of its stories.

The creation process began with a search within the creative team, where collaborators were asked to share photos of memories with Coca Cola. “This is a campaign that is born from an insight as simple as it is true: absolutely everyone has a photo next to a Coca Cola sharing some moment of our lives,” explained Juan Ure, Executive Director of Creativity at Grey.

Since the announcement of a pregnancy during a family meal, to the gesture of a mother who puts a Milanese tupperware to his newly independent son, to the iconic moment shared after a soccer game by the pancho and the Coke in front of a neighborhood kiosk. Each story highlights Coca-Cola’s connection to important moments in people’s lives.

“Sometimes, when you are immersed in such a difficult context, you become overwhelmed and it is very important to be able to gain perspective. And that was a bit the objective of this campaign, that despite any context, the most important things in life are sometimes made up of those simple moments that are more beautiful when you enjoy them with someone,” added the Sr. director of Marketing of Coca-Cola from Argentina and Uruguay.

Juan Ure, Executive Director of Creativity at Grey, with Gabriela Carrancedo, Sr. Marketing Director of Coca-Cola Argentina and Uruguay (Coca-Cola)

“This campaign goes far beyond these three specific instances, since the moments can be infinite. They occur around a table, but also in front of the TV watching a series, around a grill, on a trip. But there is always a common denominator: when you get together with others, magic happens, and in this campaign we share stories that identify us and help us understand it,” Carracedo explained.

This way, “Together in all” reaffirms the magic formula of Coca Cola: the combination of meetings, meals and the iconic drink that has been present in the most significant moments in the lives of Argentines.

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