Unemployment drops again with 1,442 fewer unemployed in May

Unemployment figures continue to improve in Córdoba, continuing the good progress of April, with the bulk of new jobs registered in the sector services. These good results are due to the fact that the aforementioned months are good for the labor market in the province, as it is high season and events such as Holy Week, the Patios, the Crosses or the Fair are concentrated.

According to the latest report of the Ministry of Labor, last May closed with 57,784 people from Córdoba without work: they are 2.43 percent less in the month-on-month comparison. In absolute terms they represent 1,442 fewer unemployed.

In it interannual comparison The figures also improve: as of May 31, there were 4,362 fewer unemployed people in the province than 12 months ago (-7.02%).

The decrease in unemployment compared to April is slightly higher than the Andalusian half, which stands at -2.30%; Córdoba’s results are also better compared to those registered in the entire community in May 2023 (-6.27%).

The cordoban They continue to get worse unemployed than residents of the province: of the 57,784 people who join the unemployment lists, 36,101 are women. Furthermore, at the end of the month of flowers there were 4,573 minors under 25 years of age without work (almost 8% of the total): hospitality and agriculture They remain the sectors that occupy the most young people, many of whom arrive there for positions without qualifications with the idea that it is something temporary and with university or degree titles that have little or nothing to do with those areas, according to the most recent report. The detailed information that exists on Córdoba youth was made by the Andalusian Employment Service (SAE) at the end of 2022.

The labor market has improved in all productive sectors during last May in the province, although the services stand out (Córdobase is in its high tourist season) and the results of the group of people without previous employment: in the first, unemployment has decreased by 744 people and in the second, by 281 .

With regard to the rest of the work areas, construction has also seen its number of unemployed decrease, with 175 less. This sector is not experiencing a bad time in Córdoba; In fact, the Construcor employer’s association is confident that 2024 will be better than last year, in which 76% of business owners met their billing goals.

For its part, 1 have been registered in the field49 less unemployed that in April; -93 in the industrial sector, according to data collected by the Ministry of Labor.

The hiring It has also gone up in May. Compared to the previous month, they have increased by 7.42% (1,730 more), but they have decreased compared to the same period in 2023, when 2,359 more were signed, which this year represents a drop of 8.61%. In total, 25,046 have been subscribed: 16,725 temporary and 8,321 permanent.

Data from Andalusia and Spain

In Andalusia The data for May represent a drop in unemployment of 2.3%, being the autonomous community that has decreased the lists of unemployed the most, with 15,585 fewer people to count 662,994 unemployed, which is why it continues to move away from the barrier of 700,000 unemployed.

Regarding the last year, unemployment accumulates a decrease of 44,325 unemployed in Andalusia, which represents 6.27% less.

With these figures, Andalusia is the community with greater decrease in unemployment in absolute terms during May, followed by Catalonia (-6,248) and the Community of Madrid (-5,586 unemployed).

For its part, throughout the national territory, the number of registered unemployed registered in the offices of the State Public Employment Service (SEPE) at the end of the month of May, has dropped by 58,650 people compared to the previous month (-2.2%).

In this way, unemployment has reached 2,607,850 peoplethe lowest figure in a month of May since 2008 and in a context of historical employment record in which, in year-on-year terms, unemployment has decreased by 131,260 people (-4.79%).

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