They hacked the number of a Jujuy snack bar and asked for money

They hacked the number of a Jujuy snack bar and asked for money
They hacked the number of a Jujuy snack bar and asked for money

June 4, 2024 – 06:45 By Federico Franco

He Merendero Picapiedra that carries out an important solidarity event in Jujuy towards those who need us most suffered an unfortunate event since these days, a subject hacked their number and used the name of the institution to ask for money.

Fortunately, Gracias Gaspar, a representative of the picnic area, managed to quickly realize what was happening because her loved ones asked her if she was really the one requesting money. That’s how she was able to solve the problem and had to change her number.

Request for help

Aside from this fact, Flintstone is going through a difficult situation and does not have the necessary supplies to provide snacks to numerous low-income families who live in the Alto Comedero neighborhood.

There are a total of 150 children who attend the institution, some of them with disabilities, and older adults and pregnant women also attend. Twice a week they carry out this work, which is sustained by lungs.

“The kids need the snack, it’s hard for me to buy the merchandise but I try to make it through to get ahead,” said Graciela.

He also maintained that some kids take the snack home and others “come to have it here.”. What we need most is rice, sugar, milk, oil, semolina, flour, bread, etc. “I really like helping others, that’s why I do this, I share the little I have with those who need it most.”

He also highlighted that “If you want to collaborate with clothing and footwear for the kids, that would also be welcome. This year’s anniversary, which turned 5 on April 18, could not be held either. “We didn’t have any merchandise, not even enough to give the kids a chocolate.”

You can collaborate with the Picapiedra snack bar by contacting: 3883331443. The address is: sector Remanente 1 AP 6 Lote 15, in the Alto Comedero neighborhood.

Finally, he highlighted that, “Here in Remnant 1 we have many needs, most families can’t afford enough or they don’t have enough food. Unfortunately this is happening in many neighborhoods and many cafeterias or picnic areas are not working because there is no merchandise, there is no help coming in. That’s why we try to see a way to continue providing snacks to the kids who need it so much.”

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