Gustavo Peirone: “The physical and mental will be key”

Gustavo Peirone: “The physical and mental will be key”
Gustavo Peirone: “The physical and mental will be key”

Both teams know each other, they know their strengths and weaknesses, we will have to see who wins in a sports center that will surely be packed with fans. In the run-up to this momentous meeting we spoke with Gustavo Peirone, coach of Athens:

– Once again they managed to escape and take the series to a fifth game What value does it have even though nothing has been defined yet?

Yes we achieved it, although I think that in the third game we played 35 minutes well, where we were superior to them, we couldn’t close it there and we lost it in extra time. But we knew we were there to achieve it, in the fourth we achieved it and it has an important value because it allows us to stay alive. In addition, it allowed us to bring the series back to Córdoba, which was one of the objectives.

– Regarding what is coming, both teams already know each other and know what their strengths and weaknesses are Where can the fifth game happen?

I think it will happen physically and mentally. The team that surpasses that will have more chances. We already know each other, we know how they play and they also know how we play. Whoever arrives more complete and manages to overcome the pressure of the fifth game, because there is no other, will be fundamental in this instance.

– That it be defined in Córdoba Could it be a factor that adds to the definition?

Without a doubt, being able to define it here will be an extra that we will be able to count on. Already in the fourth game we had the support of the fans in the hotel and on the field and that is felt. We will surely play with a full stadium and it has to serve as a source of motivation and knowing that there are many people behind this who want the best for this team, who have identified with their game.


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