Serious case of violence against a public servant at the Ibagué Transport Terminal

Serious case of violence against a public servant at the Ibagué Transport Terminal
Serious case of violence against a public servant at the Ibagué Transport Terminal

Last week, in the vicinity of the Ibagué Transport Terminal, a traffic officer was apparently physically attacked in the middle of a sanction procedure for the apparent lack of documents that are mandatory to carry.

According to the Secretary of Mobility, Ricardo Fabián Rodríguez, at the time the hearing was going to take place, The driver of a motorcycle and her companion allegedly hit the uniformed woman several times which had previously identified the lack of SOAT and technical-mechanical review.

The vehicle and the people who were traveling in it have now been fully identified.. “We have the recordings and the evidentiary material that has already been provided to the competent authority for the crime of violence against a public servant,” the official said.

Econoticias learned that The ‘blue’ agent identified as Mariana Melo was given two days of disability after the medical evaluation and, currently, he continues to have bruises on his hands and legs. In the end, the motorcycle was immobilized and three summonses were issued.

“We ask for respect whenever They are officials who take to the streets to preserve order and road safety. of all citizens; It is a call that we make from the Municipal Administration”, concluded the Secretary of Mobility of Ibagué,


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