The National Symphonic Band for the Blind at the Cervantes, CCK and Sha theaters with free admission

The National Symphonic Band for the Blind at the Cervantes, CCK and Sha theaters with free admission
The National Symphonic Band for the Blind at the Cervantes, CCK and Sha theaters with free admission
Starting the month of June, the National Symphonic Band of the Blind “Pascual Grisolía” presents “The Charms of Cinema and Nature,” a series of concerts in which it will recreate music from notable films and the premiere of the work for band “The Magic Forest.” ” by the Spanish composer Ferrer Ferrán. The concerts will be under the direction of Mtro. Darío Dominguez Xodo, and will have the special participation of the musician Marcelo Baus, oboe soloist. #elencosestables #bandasinfonica #pascualgrisolia

The Secretary of Culture of the Nation belonging to the Ministry of Human Capital invites you to enjoy a series of concerts that will be held by the National Symphonic Band for the Blind “Pascual Grisolía” during the month of June, under the direction of Mr. Darío Dominguez Xodo, guest director.

On this occasion, the national cast will recreate music and works from notable films as well as the premiere of the work for band “The Magic forest” by the Spanish composer Ferrer Ferrán.

In addition, the musician will participate as a special guest Marcelo Baus, oboe soloist.


  • Wednesday June 19 / Cervantes National Theater (Libertad 815, CABA). Free entry through the theater box office.
  • Sunday June 23 /National Auditorium, CCK (Sarmiento 151, CABA). Free admission.
  • Wednesday, June 26/ Sha Theater(Sarmiento 2255, CABA). Free entry through the theater box office.

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  • An American in Paris, George Gershwin
  • The Magic Forest, Ferrer Ferran Guest soloist: Marcelo Baus
  • The Terminal, John Williams
  • Schindler’s List, John Williams
  • Into the Storm, Robert Smith
  • Porgy and Bess, George Gershwin

The Magic Forest of Ferrer Ferran.

This work premiered on February 17, 2002, at the Palau de la Música in Valencia, Spain. Being performed by the Municipal Band of Valencia, directed by its principal conductor D. Pablo Sánchez Torrella and with the Oboe soloist, the concert pianist D. Jesús Fuster.

I.- The Elves, often described as a malicious dwarf, such as the Irish leprechaun known for his mischief and believed to know where the treasure is hidden. He sometimes thinks of elves as the helpers of wizards and even the helpers of the mythical Santa Claus.

II.- The Fairies They are mythical beings from folklore and romances, usually described as tiny humans with wings and magical powers. Fairy godmothers are protective beings, like guardian angels. This movement is inspired by the film where a mechanical being has artificial intelligence, being capable of achieving a great emotional sense, comparing this phenomenon to the magic that fairies are capable of offering to humans, illusion.

III.- The GnomesThey are tiny beings, measuring between 10 and 50 cm. There may be others that are a little larger, but perhaps they live in more wooded or unknown areas. They are attributed magical powers, this is because they are not tied to the rational way of understanding the world like human beings, they preserve traditions of millions of years and their objective is spiritual ascent.

About Darío Domínguez Xodo

Orchestra director

Darío Domínguez Xodo He frequently works with the main Argentine orchestras such as the Buenos Aires Philharmonic Orchestra, the National Symphony Orchestra and the Stable Orchestra of the Argentine Theater. He has been guest conductor of the symphony orchestras of Córdoba, Rosario, Santa Fé, San Juan, Salta, Tucumán, Entre Ríos, Bahía Blanca, Mar del Plata and the La Plata Chamber Orchestra. In the opera season of the Teatro Colón he performed as a cover in Don Giovanni alongside maestro Marc Piollet and with Erwin Schrot in the lead role. He also performed in concert with the Stable Orchestra of that coliseum offering The Mischief of Till by R. Strauss and the Dances of Galanta by Z. Kodaly along with other works. At the head of the artistic organizations of the University of Concepción, Chile, he directed a stage and choreographic version of Carmina Burana at the Theater of the University of Concepción.

On several occasions he has been guest conductor of the National Symphony Orchestra of Peru offering a varied repertoire in that country that includes works by Schumann, Hindemith, Kodaly, Benzecry, Sibelius, among others. Together with this organization he was in charge of conducting the closing concert of the Lukas David Festival. Also in Peru he was invited by the Trujillo Symphony Orchestra. In Uruguay he collaborated in the preparation of the ballet “Traviata” with the Montevideo Philharmonic Orchestra.

Graduated from the National University of the Arts, he trained in violin and orchestral conducting with teachers Szymsia Bajour and Mario Benzecry respectively. As a violinist he continued his studies with Rafael Gíntoli and in France with Silvia Marcovici.

As director, he perfected and prepared his repertoire with Luis Gorelik. Subsequently he received advice from Pedro Ignacio Calderón.

He received a scholarship from the Musikhochschule of Lucerne (Switzerland) where he studied with Thüring Bräm. He was selected by Kurt Masur as an active student of the Campos do Jordão International Festival (Brazil) conducting the festival orchestra in the closing concert. He attended courses at the University of Concepción (Chile), the Asunción Symphony Orchestra (Paraguay) and the Musikhochschule of Lugano (Switzerland) with Giorgio Bernasconi.

He was awarded in the Simón Blech Competition in Bahía Blanca. He was the winner of the Young Directors selection of the Argentine Theater of La Plata where he served between 2006 and 2013 as Assistant Conductor of the Stable Orchestra conducting concerts, the operas Werther by Massenet, The Barber of Seville by Rossini, The Little Sweep by Britten, the zarzuela Doña Francisquita by Vives and the ballets Romeo and Juliet by Prokofiev, Swan Lake and Sleeping Beauty by Tchaikovsky, Spartacus by Khachaturian, La Bayadera and Don Quixote by Minkus, Carmen by Bizet-Dobreva, and Birthday Offering by Glazunov . He collaborated with the preparation of numerous opera titles including Salomé by Richard Strauss, the Argentine premiere of Ainadamar by Osvaldo Golijov, the American premiere of There Was the Mother by Luis Bacalov, Madame Butterfly by Puccini, Il Trovatore by Verdi, The Tales of Hoffmann by Offenbach, among others. He also produced numerous works of symphonic repertoire within which we can highlight The Song of the Earth and the Totenfeier by Mahler, Matias the Painter by Hindemith, The Mischief of Till by Richard Strauss among many others.

He has been by competition Assistant Musical Director of the Buenos Aires Philharmonic Orchestra with which he has directed concerts and ballet at the Teatro Colón and the Usina del arte, highlighting his interpretation of Brahms’ Symphony No. 2 in the subscription cycle of the Teatro Colón . He collaborated with maestro Arturo Diemecke and guest conductors in the preparation of the different repertoires, among which Lutoslawski’s Concerto for Orchestra, the Variations Concertantes and the violin concerto by Ginastera and the complete cycles of symphonies by Beethoven and Tchaikovsky stand out.

He is by competition Adjunct Professor of Orchestral Conducting at the National University of the Arts. He was director and founder of various orchestral training projects in Argentina, Peru and Mexico.

He is a frequent guest of the National Symphony Orchestra with which his interpretations of Hindemith’s Matias the Painter, Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 6 “Patética” and in 2017 the organization’s return concert at the Teatro Colón after 14 years stand out. Together with this organization and the maestro Pedro Ignacio Calderón, he has collaborated in the preparation of works such as the Domestic Symphony by R Strauss, Symphony No. 5 by Mahler or Misa Solemnis by Beethoven, among others.

He has been guest conductor of the Libertador San Martín National Youth Symphony Orchestra, highlighting the presentation of Berlioz’s Fantastic Symphony at the CCK. For the Mar del Plata Opera he conducted Cosi fan tutte. Since its creation in 2013, he has been Artistic Director of the Florencio Varela Municipal Symphony Orchestra with which he offers a wide repertoire within which the opera La Traviata stands out, offered in different cities in the province of Buenos Aires, the German Requiem by Brahms and the Beethoven’s ninth symphony with the National Polyphonic Choir, concerts at the CCK Symphony Hall, Usina del Arte and ballet titles such as the Nutcracker and Birthday Offering (Argentine premiere) at the Coliseo theater.

For three seasons he has been Principal Conductor of the Symphonic Band of the City of Buenos Aires.

About Marcelo César Baus (oboe)

Since 1992 he has been an oboist and English horn soloist in the Teatro Colón Stable Orchestra. She initially trained at the Julián Aguirre Provincial Conservatory of Banfield (Bs. As.) and then perfected herself with the Argentine teacher David Seghezzo (Basel, Switzerland). She was also part of the “Interdisciplinary School of Music”, led by Professor Mónica Cosachov. From the beginning she participated very actively in various chamber music groups. It is worth highlighting her participation with the Argentine Mozarteum Quintet, the Chamber Music Foundation and the creation of the “Argentrío” -Trío-de-cañas, performing in venues in CABA and in the interior of the country. She has also premiered specially dedicated works. She has participated in all the Buenos Aires orchestras, obtaining praiseworthy comments from critics for her performances in operatic and symphonic solos by Wagner (Tristan and Isolde), H. Berlioz (The Damnation of Faust) and Sibelius (Pelleas and Melisande). He was invited by the Manaus Theater (Brazil) to the 7th. Amazonas Opera Festival (2003) as English Horn.

He has recorded the indigenous songs of J. Bautista Massa for the Argentine label “Tradition”. Recently with the recording of Poulenc’s sonata for oboe and piano, she participated in the soundtrack of the film “Los Delincuentes” which participated in the last preselection for the Oscars.

About the National Symphony Band of the Blind “Pascual Grisolía”

The National Symphonic Band of the Blind belonging to the National Directorate of Stable Casts of the Secretariat of Culture of the Ministry of Human Capital of the Nation, is named after its founder, Mr. “Pascual Grisolía”, who in 1939 started a wind instrument school at the National Board of the Blind.

On October 15, 1947, she gave her inaugural concert, thus becoming a pioneer in the world. After 76 years of experience, she has carried out a notable artistic, cultural, social and pedagogical activity, through her presentations in various regions throughout the country.

Among the awards received, the great UNESCO Camu Prize “for extraordinary contributions to the benefit of the community” and the “Domingo Faustino Sarmiento” Honorable Mention stand out, the highest distinction awarded by the Honorable Senate of the Argentine Nation, in recognition “ to their work aimed at improving the quality of life of their peers, institutions and their communities.” Additionally, in addition to these mentions, various declarations of cultural interest for concerts from different seasons by municipal, provincial and national organizations are added.

The work of the BSNC has an extensive history in different scenarios throughout these 76 years. His productions include, in addition to large concerts, audiovisuals for television and virtual platforms, productions that had the special participation of great national and international artists, including directors and concert artists. Furthermore, in recent years, work is being done on the consolidation of a Training Space for

Applicants in which tutoring, accompaniment and advice are provided to blind and visually impaired people in relation to the possibilities of their musical and professional development contemplating the requirements of the organization, among several other activities.

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