Ni Una Menos: like every year, thousands of women marched to Congress against sexist violence

Thousands of women took to the streets of the City of Buenos Aires shouting “Not one less”, a movement that was born in 2015, after the brutal murder of Chiara Páez, the 14-year-old teenager who was murdered by her boyfriend in Santa Fe.

Since 2015, the collective and social groups They call for a massive march in front of the Plaza de los Dos Congresos where they seek to make visible to the world the violence and inequality they suffer every day.

Read also: They stabbed a girl to death while she was sleeping: they believe it was “to make her mother suffer”

Thousands of women gather in the Plaza de los Dos Congresos. (Photo: TN/Nicolás González)

This Monday, June 3, the ninth march of Ni Una Menos in which the collective Ni Una Menos, the Socialist Workers Movement (MST), the Las Rojas group and the Central of Argentine Workers (CTA) participate.

Around 6:30 p.m. the central event began and a document expressing the main demands was read by Liliana Daunes.

With drums and green scarves the women head to Congress. (Photo: TN/Nicolás González)

127 femicides so far in 2024

According to the latest report of the Femicide Observatory directed by the Civil Association La Casa del Encuentro, between January and May of this year there are already 127 victims of femicide.

“Data collected since 2014 show considerable stability in direct femicide rates. From an initial figure of 1.03 direct victims of femicide per 100,000 women in 2014, it rose to 1.05 in 2023, with only slightly lower levels in 2021 (0.99) and 2022 (0.96),” he detailed. the National Registry of Femicide that the Supreme Court of Justice.

Relatives and friends of victims carry their photo to ask for justice for them. (Photo: TN/Nicolás González)

Relatives and friends of victims carry their photo to ask for justice for them. (Photo: TN/Nicolás González)

And they added: “Taking into account the possible under-reporting of the first years and subsequent updates, in these 10 years at least 2,446 direct victims of femicidean average of almost 245 per year.”

Chiara Páez: the femicide of the teenager who promoted the Ni Una Menos marches

Chiara Paez I was 14 years old and no more than two months pregnant when She was murdered in May 2015 by her boyfriend. 17, Manuel Ignacio Mansilla Gallegos. He hit her first. After, He cut her throat and buried her in the yard of her the Santa Fe town of Rufino.

His case showed such extreme brutality that it marked a before and after. On June 3 of that same year, women marched for the first time to say enough is enough. This is how Ni Una Menos was born.

Ni Una Menos: like every year, thousands of women marched to Congress against sexist violence

Chiara was last seen on Sunday, May 10, 2015. That day she was going to meet some friends at one of their houses, but she never arrived. They had beaten her to death and in her body, in addition, the autopsy revealed that there were traces of an anti-inflammatory used for abortion. They searched for her throughout that day while her boyfriend He ate a barbecue with his family meters away from the place where he had buried her.

The tweet that promoted the first march against femicides.

The tweet that promoted the first march against femicides.

The enormous impact that his death had was the trigger for journalist Marcela Ojeda to write that first tweet on the social network, a precursor to the first marches that took place throughout the country under the slogan Not One Less.

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