exact date and time in Chile

Sunlight radiates the Earth and Moon from the direction of the Sun, illuminating half of our planet in its orbit and reflecting off the Moon’s surface to create lunar light, NASA confirms.
Laura Faz

Laura Faz 06/04/2024 06:15 5 min

June It is a perfect month to explore the space. The best time to do it will be on the night of New Moon. Leaving the city to escape light pollution is optimal for astronomical observation. So separate the day of the invisible phase of the moon for a stellar dive.

June conjunctions and solstice: with these astronomical events you will be surprised

June conjunctions and solstice: with these astronomical events you will be surprised

But why wait for a new moon? We will have total darkness in the night sky, since there will be no Moonlight.

This is because the Sun and the Land They are located on opposite sides of the Moon and the three celestial objects are aligned. This is how the illuminated side of the Moon will be facing the Sun and the night side towards Earth. We do not see it for this reason and because the new Moon is in the daytime sky: it rises and sets almost at the same time as the Sun, so it is quite close to the sun’s glare, which prevents it from being seen with the naked eye, they explain in the Time and Date site.

New Moon
The new moon is approaching. This is the ideal time to go “hunting” for stars and planets. Credit: NASA Earth Observatory

Despite this, there is a time when this phenomenon can be observed. Recently, in fact, there was the opportunity to appreciate it: during the solar eclipse from April 4th. In that moment of darkness, only the new Moon is almost “perfect.”

When does the new moon occur?

The new moon phase will occur on June 6, 2024specifically at 08:37 hours in Chile, as announced by Time and Date. That same night – in addition to the night before and the next – you will have the ideal time to observe celestial bodies such as stars, nebulae, galaxies and planets. The core of the Milky Way will even be better defined.

Before, we recommend you check what the weather will be like in Meteored, find a place with little artificial light and, if possible, bring binoculars. You will have an incredible starry view!

Effects of the new moon on nature

Our natural satellite influences the Earth in many ways. For example, the high and low tides They are caused by the gravitational attraction of the new Moon and also by the full moon. During these phases, the force of the Moon – combined with that of the Sun – acts on the ocean waters, pushing them in the same direction.

In the animals There are also incidents. A curious case is that of the play fleato, which has two compasses – one solar and one lunar – to stay oriented on the beach. During the day they hide and at night they come out at low tide to look for food.

Another interesting effect is in the crops. When there is a new moon, the plants are in resting state, because the sap flow is downward and is concentrated in the roots. This is an optimal time to harvest, for example, carrots and radishes, as the nutrients are stored in the root.

And in humans, are there effects?

There are many myths about the Moon in its different phases, especially when it comes to the full Moon: a classic example is that of the werewolf.

How do the different phases of the Moon affect people?

How do the different phases of the Moon affect people?

To the surprise of some, the lunar cycle It does influence human health. It is common to have effects on the human reproduction, particularly in fertility, menstruation and birth rate. In the past it was believed that it also affected psychologically or induced madness. That’s why they were called lunatic –or “moonstruck” in English– to people who suffered periods of madness according to the lunar cycle. In fact, it has been scientifically proven that increases in seizures could occur in schizophrenia, mainly during the full moon phase.

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