An extratropical cyclone will hit a large part of Chile: could it reach Argentina?

An extratropical cyclone will hit a large part of Chile: could it reach Argentina?
An extratropical cyclone will hit a large part of Chile: could it reach Argentina?

Tuesday 4.6.2024


Last update 7:34

An “extratropical cyclone of colossal proportions” will hit much of Chile starting today and its effects will be felt throughout the week, reported the Chilean Meteorological Directorate. Although the effects of this unusual event will be felt in a large part of the country, from the central to the southernmost area, experts predict that around 150 mm of rain will fall on the country and that the Biobío Region will be the most affected.

Strong tides are also expected in the Valparaíso Region, while precipitation and winds that could reach up to 80 km/h will return to the Metropolitan Region.

While cyclones are common weather events in the region, this particular system worries experts due to its slow movement, which increases the risk of flooding.

The meteorological event threatens much more abundant rainfall than normal

How is the cyclone progressing in Chile?

According to Chilean media, the extratropical cyclone has already caused havoc throughout Easter Island and on Sunday, the Rapa Nui area presented rains and electrical storms that registered gusts of more than 100 kilometers per hour, generating problems in telecommunications.

According to data issued by the Chilean Meteorological Directorate, it was estimated that the cyclone would arrive on Monday in the regions of Los Lagos and Biobío, where it is believed that it could hit with greater force.

In turn, Concepción will experience rain with winds of between 25 and 40 km/h this Tuesday and Wednesday, with the possibility of thunderstorms.

These phenomena can have devastating effects

Will the cyclone reach Argentina?

Although the main impact is expected in Chile, some Argentine localities near the Andes Mountains could also be affected.

The National Meteorological Service has already issued orange alerts for Wednesday for rain for Neuquén and yellow for mountain areas of Mendoza, Río Negro and Chubut.

Live cyclone map

The Windy platform offers a live map of the cyclone, allowing users to follow its path and evolution in real time. This tool can be very useful to stay informed and take the necessary precautions before the arrival of the meteorological phenomenon.

What is a cyclone?

A cyclone is a meteorological phenomenon characterized by the presence of strong, rotating winds around an area of ​​low atmospheric pressure. It can also include heavy precipitation and thunderstorms. Cyclones can form in different parts of the world and are classified into different categories depending on their intensity, such as hurricanes, typhoons or tropical cyclones.

These phenomena can have devastating effects in the areas where they make landfall, causing flooding, landslides and damage to infrastructure.

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