Entre Ríos participated in a new meeting of the Security Council – News

Entre Ríos participated in a new meeting of the Security Council – News
Entre Ríos participated in a new meeting of the Security Council – News

A new meeting of the Internal Security Council was held based in Mendoza. The Minister of Security and Justice, Néstor Roncaglia, was present along with the Chief of Police, Claudio González.

The Minister of National Security, Patricia Bullrich, together with the Ministers of Justice and Defense, Mariano Cúneo Libarona and Luis Petri, respectively, and the Governor, Alfredo Cornejo, led the meeting of the Internal Security Council (CSI).

“We are advancing the need to organize the State to fight organized crime. It is an effort that requires the union of the provinces and the Nation, the formation of a united front in order to disrupt these criminal gangs,” Roncaglia mentioned.

During the meeting, which brought together all the country’s security ministers, work was done on the topics of drug trafficking, control of chemical precursors, inhibitors, violence in soccer, training and prevention of violence, among others.

In this framework, the Minister of National Security, Patricia Bullrich, highlighted the presentation before Congress of four bills to combat organized crime: Anti-Mafia Law; a new registry of genetic data (DNA), like the one already available in the province of Mendoza; the incorporation of the concept of reiteration and self-defense in compliance with duty. In addition, modifications are established to the unification of sentences and concurrent crimes.


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