After Milei’s accusations over the food scandal, Kirchnerism counterattacked: “Try to exonerate his apathy and irresponsibility”

After Milei’s accusations over the food scandal, Kirchnerism counterattacked: “Try to exonerate his apathy and irresponsibility”
After Milei’s accusations over the food scandal, Kirchnerism counterattacked: “Try to exonerate his apathy and irresponsibility”

Oscar Parrilli and Mayra Mendoza supported the former president and questioned the management of Javier Milei

“I don’t rule out that they want to throw a dead man at him”. Upon returning from El Salvador, Javier Milei expressed that controversial phrase. She did it without presenting clear arguments to support it. He accused Kirchnerism of mounting a media and political operation to destabilize the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello. Because? According to the President, it is because he is “breaking down intermediaries” in the delivery of social plans and food, and is “confronting criminals.”

To defend the minister, who displaced and denounced the Secretary for Children, Pablo de la Torreand which was involved in a conflict over the distribution of food stored – about to expire – in warehouses in Villa Martelli and Tafí Viejo, the President decided to put Kirchnerism in the mud of chaos. Without proper names and without direct notesbut it pulled that sector of the opposition towards the place where the lights point.

He leveraged a strategy that is often used in politics. In the midst of a situation that turned the ruling party into a hive, he accused a part of the opposition of being behind an operation to destabilize Pettovello, who is one of the ministers he most trusts and a very strong figure within the structure. of the national government.

“What are you going to expect from a Kirchnerist? The logical thing is that they try to operate on her, that they dirty her through the media, that they invent things about her, that they say atrocities about her to try to discredit her. Instead of saying ‘what she is saying is false’, no. They try to get her dirty, they try to cheat, so that she and her team are intimidated.“said the Head of State.

Javier Milei supported Sandra Pettovello in the midst of rumors of a possible departure

It was the head of the accused political force who was in charge of responding to him. “Instead of blaming the “Kirchnerists,” review your ideas and decisions about creating an unmanageable mega ministry and entrusting it to a person with no management experience in the multiple disciplines it covers,” was the sentence of Cristina Kirchner at the beginning of the week. Pettovello has the Ministry of Education, Labor, Culture and Children under its orbit, in addition to the ANSES.

She was followed by two leaders from her trusted circle. First he was the former Secretary of the Presidency Oscar Parrilli. “As his mistakes and dire consequences intensify, the violent attitude of this man and his cabinet will intensify but it is directly related to the failure of his management, he assured. And he added: “They say that the Kirchnerists are to blame. These are the words of a president and not of a candidate who “Tries to exonerate their laziness, imbecility and irresponsibility.”

Then it was the turn of the mayor of Quilmes, Mayra Mendoza. “After weeks of operations and lies, they had to admit that they had undelivered and expiring food. They never managed and they give ample evidence of their inability to govern.. They showed it with the lack of gas, with the non-delivery of food, all this while Milei is still on vacation around the world,” said the camp leader.

Kirchnerism closed ranks to defend itself against Milei’s accusations, which they consider unfounded and meaningless. At the Instituto Patria they warn that part of the problems of libertarian management are based on the President’s demonization of public management. “Pettovello does not have the training or management capacity to control four ministries and the ANSES. Everything under his orbit,” they indicated in those around the former president.

In the K world, Milei’s accusation that that political space was capable of “throwing a dead man” to harm his management went down very badly. They believe that the Head of State is having unfortunate expressions that do not bring him any political cost and that are naturalized without causing too much noise in the political arena. “They are useless, corrupt and insensitive”they held close to CFK.

Cristina Kirchner with the mayor of Quilmes, Mayra Mendoza, one of the voices that came out to counterattack after the accusations of Kirchnerism

They assure that the government itself is denouncing that there was corruption within the administration, in reference to the complaint from the Ministry of Human Capital to De la Torre, for irregularities in hiring and charges in dollars, which were changed in the contracts that the Secretariat made with the Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI).

They mark it, of course, as one of the weak and inconsistent points of Pettovello’s management, despite the fact that the complaint against her former secretary was endorsed by her. Even, on that path of purification, yesterday displaced four officials who were linked to De la Torre. None of these movements change the view of Kirchnerism, where they warn that the Minister of Human Capital knew what was happening in the structure she manages, although they consider that she is too big for her.

In the K world, they accuse Milei of the irresponsibility of putting together an enormous ministerial scheme that, in reality, is unmanageable. And they are sure that, sooner or later, that ministry will be the focus of other conflicts, because its driver has no experience in management and she “is in command of a huge ship without even knowing how to navigate.”

Furthermore, they do not rule out that the President continues trying to put them in the middle of the neighborhood that was generated after the conflict over the distribution of food and contracts in the Secretariat for Children was revealed. “They created the problem themselves. They make bad decisions. There is no situation that warrants suspicion of Kirchnerism, but in Milei’s DNA it is to hold us responsible for everything.”they indicated at the Patria Institute.

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