The subway will continue at $650 at the request of the City Government

The subway will continue at $650 at the request of the City Government
The subway will continue at $650 at the request of the City Government

But The Buenos Aires Government appealed Liberatori’s ruling and the Administrative Litigation Chamber considered that this appeal has a “suspensive” nature. Therefore, the judge’s decision is suspended until the case is resolved in the second judicial instance.

The judicial fight began with an appeal for protection presented in May by the national representative Myriam Bregman, the Buenos Aires legislators Patricio del Corro and Alejandrina Barry, and the delegate of subway line B Claudio Dellecarbonara.

The first round was to prevent the subway ticket from jumping from $125 to $575, but the City managed to get the right with the fare table, which contemplates a third increase, in August, which will take trips to $757.

The person in charge of that ruling was Liberatori, who also gave the City five days to “adjust” the rate, which did not happen. Instead, the Buenos Aires Government, headed by Jorge Macri, continued with its scheme and appealed to the judge’s decision.

The immediate effect of the City’s appeal is that it has a “suspensive nature”, as ruled by judges Gabriela Seijas and Horacio Corties, who were in charge to resolve whether the increase in subway fares is legitimate, appropriate and measured.

From SBASE – the Buenos Aires State company for the subway – they reported that the increase in the ticket corresponds to the increase in the cost of operation, and today the technical rate is $ 859.07 (that is, without subsidies and without taking into account that This means of public transportation obtains funds from the Subte Fund, created by law in 2012).

Despite the increase in the subway that began running in June, the discount scheme for frequent passengers is maintained: 20% for 20 monthly trips, 30% for 30 in that same time, and 40% for those who use the subway. subway 40 times a month.

The social rate and free subscription will also continue to exist, which can be applied to domestic workers, retirees, students, teachers and former Malvinas combatants, among other social groups.

In addition, the SUBE card continues to charge 50% or 75% for subway tickets that are paid up to 2 hours after a bus ticket, or vice versa, taking into account the need of thousands of workers who alternate several means of public transportation every day. to move.

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