The long wait of the most vulnerable in Ibagué for the community kitchens

The long wait of the most vulnerable in Ibagué for the community kitchens
The long wait of the most vulnerable in Ibagué for the community kitchens

Ibagué’s community kitchens, where the most vulnerable people can find a healthy and hot meal, have kept their doors closed all year.

This was confirmed by several people who should be benefiting from a plate of food and who preferred to keep their identities reserved.

The non-provision of the service in these spaces, which are under the responsibility of the Mayor’s Office of Ibagué and its Secretariat of Community Social Development, particularly harms children, adolescents and elderly people in the municipality.

“Since October and November last year.” That was the date on which one of the people who agreed to speak with Econoticias assured that the community kitchens operated for the last time. Although the community has expressed that its need is urgent, they have not received a clear response from the authorities regarding the day and time when they plan to deliver food again.


Ibagué Mayor’s Office

The opposition councilor, Sandra Varón, spoke about this matter, who had denounced the non-functioning of the dining rooms and the alleged lack of clarity from the Mayor’s Office regarding their future.

“The issue of community kitchens is one that all Ibagué residents wonder about what is happening with them and why they have not opened. It is such an essential issue to combat the food security that Ibagué is going through and even more so among older adults,” said Varón for Econoticias.

The councilor also expressed that during the discussion of Mayor Johana Aranda’s Development Plan she raised several questions, since, apparently, in the coming years there are no plans to increase the number of people who can attend the canteens, as well as the opening of new points in the city.


Ibagué Mayor’s Office

“I proposed increasing this figure to two new canteens in Ibagué. But this was not taken into account. Where were the campaign promises? They said that in the first month of Government they were going to start [los comedores]but to date they have not opened any,” said Varón.

And he added: “The call to the mayor and the Municipal Administration is to prioritize this initiative. Ibagué needs concrete and responsible actions.”

Econoticias sought out the Secretary of Social Development, Carolina Hurtado, in order to put an end to the uncertainty of dozens of people with a tentative opening date, but, for now, there has been no response.

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