At the foot of a village – Radio Sancti Spíritus

At the foot of a village – Radio Sancti Spíritus
At the foot of a village – Radio Sancti Spíritus

“If they tell me to write about France I say no. I write only about Sancti Spíritus.” The words of the historian María Antonieta Jiménez Margolles, Ñeñeca, carry the passion for the city that lives in her and in every Sancti Spiritus citizen.

The stones interwoven in the streets, the knockers with their sounds of yesteryear, the colonial bars, the reddish tiles baked with slave sweat; Each architectural element of this town, founded 510 years ago, deserves reverence, the reverence that its children give it.

Architecture, said by experts “is the most sincere document of life”; Therefore, when a heritage asset is saved, the city beats and is grateful. It is worth it then to see Sancti Spíritus dawn, to hear the ringing of the bells of the Main Parish Church that for centuries have accompanied the parishioners, in joys and sorrows. And your watch? His clock continues beating.

At the foot of its bell tower, the fourth Cuban town builds its memory, where the troubadours live and their guitars strumming serenades in the early mornings, where the rumbas and parades live, the tunes and the point that makes us more Sancti Spiritus.

At the foot of its bell tower, also, the bridge over the Yayabo River; the bridge that performed the miracle of connecting the center with the south of the town; town born in Pueblo Viejo, east of the city on June 4, 1514; town that wakes up to the sound of its noble and healthy people.


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