Avilanian FEU prepares festivals of amateur artists – Periódico Invasor

Avilanian FEU prepares festivals of amateur artists – Periódico Invasor
Avilanian FEU prepares festivals of amateur artists – Periódico Invasor

About to begin, the season of festivals of amateur artists of the University Student Federation (FEU) becomes a space for confluence and exchange between the best of the artistic talent of the University of Ciego de Ávila Máximo Gómez (UNICA).

These days, the members of the Amateur Artists Movement rehearse, review scripts, finalize details and prepare initiatives, when it is almost time for the start of the festival of culture in the Avilanian alma mater.

The boys from the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences know this well, who will have their gala this June 4 and, with the theme of Greek mythology, will try to maintain or improve the emulative second place they achieved the previous year.

Yaidelyn Ruiz Rodríguez, president of the FEU at that faculty, highlighted the efforts of the students and assured that, despite the organizational difficulties and the complexity of the current moment, youth enthusiasm remains high.

In dialogue with Invasor, Marcos David Hernández Sospedra, Secretary of Culture of the university’s FEU, praised the role of festivals as the main cultural process of the student federation, since they identify and consolidate the pool of amateur artists in the province. .

“In addition, not infrequently students discover, precisely thanks to these festivals, that they have an unknown talent for literature and the arts,” added Hernández Sospedra.

As is customary, the festivals contribute to revitalizing the extension work of the Avilanian higher education institution and promote the rescue and dissemination of local, national and universal culture in nights of healthy competition and fun among the seven faculties of UNICA.

Fans will be able to choose between various artistic manifestations and prepare their presentations according to their creative and interpretive skills, which will be submitted to the consideration of a jury made up of renowned art and culture professionals in Ciego de Ávila.

The best presentations from each faculty will have the right to compete in the festival organized at the university level, then in the provincial festival and, finally, in the national one.

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