Argentina presented to Europe what its “deforestation-free” beef certificate is like

Argentina presented to Europe what its “deforestation-free” beef certificate is like
Argentina presented to Europe what its “deforestation-free” beef certificate is like

In full countdown of European regulations to import agro-industrial products deforestation free, Argentina presented a certification system for the beefwhich will allow this measure to be guaranteed.

The presentation took place at the Argentine embassy of the European Union (EU), in Brussels and was led by authorities of the Argentine Beef Promotion Institute (Ipcva).

The system that will allow these demands to be articulated is the platform Visec (Gran Chaco Sector Vision)a tool that will be the key to ensure traceability and certification of deforestation-free products and in which the entire cattle chain participates.

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As you may remember, the first steps of this platform date back about four years ago, based on the joint work of the grain agro-export complex. After knowing the EU Regulation 2023/1115, the refrigerators exporters joined this space.

In the case of beef, Visec will guarantee that shipments reaching European markets will come from non-deforested livestock establishments, in compliance with this regulation. It was approved in mid-2023 and will come into effect on December 30, 2024.

It is worth remembering that the first shipment of meat with these types of requirements recently left for Germany.

Historic: the first export of “deforestation-free” beef to Europe was carried out


Anyway, since Institute for the Promotion of Argentine Beef (IPCVA) They clarified that this platform obeys European demands, but warned that it is not correct that it eventually become a non-tariff barrier.

“Argentina hopes that this Regulation, being a unilateral and autonomous measure implemented by the EU, does not affect normal trade flows towards said market and does not become an access barrier from its full implementation on January 1, 2025”they warned from the Ipcva.

Without losing sight of the fact that global consumers demand sustainability, Argentina has indicated to community authorities at a bilateral level and in multilateral forums its concern regarding the impact, highlighting the adverse effects on trade flows.

“Notwithstanding this, in the immediate future and in order to reduce these potential risks, The development of national private sector initiatives has been supported to adapt to the demands that European operators will demand of them,” they noted.

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In the specific case of the cattle herd, Argentina has already successfully carried out the first pilot test with a shipment of meat exported to Germany on May 15. On the grain side, pilot tests have been carried out with beans and soy flour.

According to details from the institute, certificates will be issued that confirm the sustainable origin of the meat and leather, using georeferenced technology for greater precision and reliability.

For each shipment of beef to the European Union, a Deforestation Free Product Certificate (CLD).

This document will certify that the biomass meets the requirements established in European regulations, supported in turn by a rigorous documentation and validation system with technology. Blockchain.

The certificate will be issued by verification organizations authorized by Visec, in accordance with recognized international standards. The CLDs may be used by exporters and importers as proof of conformity before the authorities of the EU member countries.


At the opening of the event, the Secretary of Bioeconomy of Argentina, Fernando Vilellahighlighted the differential attributes of Argentine production that are able to respond to new consumer demands linked to quality, nutrition and the environment.

Jorge Grimbergpresident of the Ipcva, said that “through the new Visec Carnes system and its natural production characteristics, Argentina is consolidating itself as one of the leading countries in sustainable production.”

Mario Ravetinovice president of the Ipcva and head of the ABC Argentine Meat Exporters Consortium, assured that “compliance with this EU regulation is essential to maintain and develop the market that demands the highest value premium cuts.”

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