Key hearing: the procedural situation of Felicitas Alvite, the “Toretto” is defined

Key hearing: the procedural situation of Felicitas Alvite, the “Toretto” is defined
Key hearing: the procedural situation of Felicitas Alvite, the “Toretto” is defined

A few days after running over and killing a motorcyclist in La Plata, Felicitas Alvite, nicknamed “Toretto,” asked her friends.

The accused asked them to put their Instagram accounts “private” and not to respond to messages “to anyone.” “Pretend dementia and forget everything. “Everything is used against me,” she warned in a WhatsApp group.

The conversation was leaked after an expert report was made on his cell phone seized by Justice. It is known at a key moment in the case since tomorrow, La Plata Guarantees Judge Marcela Garmendia will hold a hearing between the parties and will then make a decision on the requests for preventive detention made by the prosecutor, Fernando Padovan, in charge of the investigation, and the lack of merit presented by lawyers Flavio Gliemmo, Santiago Irisarri and Luisina Gliemmo, defenders of the young woman, who on May 16, when she was already in prison, turned 21 years old.

The defendant’s lawyers indicated that “she suffers enormously from the consequences of her actions – there are medical reports that prove this – but a tragic event cannot become a major injustice by applying one article of the Penal Code for another.”

Last April 12, at 2 o’clock, on the corner of 13th and 532nd, when he was driving a friend’s VW Gol Trend, Alvite crossed the street with the red light and hit Walter Rubén Armand, 36, who was driving on a Bajaj Boxer motorcycle. The motorcyclist died.

According to prosecutor Padovan’s accusation, Alvite, who called herself “La Toretto”, in reference to one of the characters in the Fast and Furious saga, and the driver of a black Peugeot were driving at excessive speed and recklessly. “despite the fact that the area is very busy because it is the center of the city”, avoiding other stopped vehicles and without caring about putting the lives of third parties at risk.

“When I saw the motorcycle it was already above me, I didn’t see it at any time, I don’t know where it came from, and that’s where the impact was. I was in a state of shock, my entire windshield and part of the roof above burst and I was kind of shocked and had no reaction; I felt like I had gotten onto the grass, onto the sidewalk, and that the car was going back down. I saw this later, when I had already gone down, because at that moment I was very shocked and when I realized that I had to brake, I braked and put on markers and I went hard; I realized I had to brake and I pressed the brake. I started walking towards where the man was. [la víctima] and I saw him, there were a lot of people around and they told me not to touch him, that they had already called the ambulance too and I saw him lying there and like he was screaming, I couldn’t believe it. I called my friend Valentina on the phone and desperately told her that she had crashed, that she should come quickly and she asked me where she was and I told her that she didn’t know. In my life I never imagined that this would happen to her,” the young woman declared when she was questioned.

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