CTC recognizes efficiency of FCBC in Holguín

CTC recognizes efficiency of FCBC in Holguín
CTC recognizes efficiency of FCBC in Holguín

The Holguín branch of the Cuban Fund for Cultural Assets (FCBC) received the status of National Vanguard for the relevant results and contributions in the economic, productive and union work during the year 2023.

In the Revolution Room of the La Periquera Provincial Museum, the institution that has been honored with the award for seven consecutive years, received the recognition this Monday from the Cuban Workers’ Union.

Manuel Hernández Aguilera, director of the FCBC branch in the territory, highlighted the work carried out by artisans, artists and workers by obtaining results such as over-fulfillment of the plan established so far this year and the excellent reception of the fairs held for the Product commercialization.

This recognition constitutes a stimulus and commitment for everyone, since the FCBC has to continue demonstrating that efficiency is the heritage of the institution and the socialist state company, he expressed.

For his part, Félix Martínez Pérez, provincial secretary of the National Union of Cultural Workers, commented that the motivation, participation and unity of the members of the Holguín branch are essential elements to be worthy of such distinction, as well as to provide creative solutions. to the obstacles of the current situation.

The Holguín branch of the FCBC, the fourth of its type established in the country, has the mission of promoting and marketing the works and services of creators of the plastic and applied arts, aimed at the development of aesthetic taste and the defense of the cultural values ​​of society. .

With information from Sheyla Díaz Figueras/ACN

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