Virtuality as an alternative to being professional

Virtuality as an alternative to being professional
Virtuality as an alternative to being professional

Opened has a series of courses of general and disciplinary interest related to different topics.

Photo: Courtesy

The University of Manizales offers 99 undergraduate and graduate programs, 69 in face-to-face mode and 30 in virtual mode. In addition, it has multiple free courses in this modality for the community to acquire new skills. Studying in virtual mode is the option for those who work, travel, are athletes or have any other activity that involves training when they have availability.

UManizales has identified how, based on the developments of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), paths are evident for the differentiated construction of learning environments that impact the ways of intervening in the formation of human beings and society. In this sense, today the university is responding to the expansion of the educational offer, with the aim of increasing coverage and facilitating student access to the higher education system. In this sense, virtual education is one of the alternatives to impact professional training in Colombia.

Since 2009, the year in which the University of Manizales offered its first virtual program, the institution has been strengthening this type of programs, which are increasingly necessary and useful for those who see in them an opportunity to train at the time and from the place. let them decide. In addition, it was the first higher education institution in the country to accredit a virtual master’s degree as high quality.

The university has 12 undergraduate degrees, seven specializations, 10 master’s degrees and one doctorate that are completely virtual, and 64 free online courses available through a platform that supports its virtual education processes, called Opened.

“Education and its ways of being deployed are changing, giving way to other more accessible, sustainable and flexible training scenarios, such as virtual education, which is currently positioning itself with great strength. As a scenario from which conditions emerge that highlight the presence of a training system that separates the traditional conception of space, place and time and that implies new challenges and opportunities for teachers, students, administrators and the education system itself, it allows University of Manizales to think and plan a broad educational offer that reaches national and international contexts from a social and human approach,” explains Yamilhet Andrade Arango, vice-rector of UManizales.

In 52 years of history, the University of Manizales has managed to establish an organizational structure that supports the challenges it has proposed in relation to virtuality, transforming lives through quality education that can be accessed by all people and from any place. Place of the world. The result of this is the Opened platform, with more than 12 years of operation.

Opened has a series of courses of general and disciplinary interest related to topics such as: introduction to spatial data management, how to invest in stocks, comprehensive solid waste management, how to manage my finances in Excel, risk management due to natural threats and model of social impact business, offered in English as social impact business modeling.

A crucial issue at the University of Manizales is human development, which constitutes the backbone of its educational proposal and which is materialized, among others, in a solid system of scholarships and benefits that seeks to guarantee greater conditions of well-being for its students, facilitating not only its access but also its permanence. As an important fact, 61% of its student population, including students in virtual programs, have scholarships, discounts and other economic benefits.

“Not having to travel, savings in time and costs, flexibility, educational quality, are issues that I highlight about studying in virtual mode. Another aspect to highlight at UManizales is that it has a complete system of scholarships and benefits for us, as well as different financing options,” says Cristian Botero Galvis, a Business Administration student in virtual mode.

The entire educational offer of UManizales is available at For more information, interested parties can contact WhatsApp 3206949566

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