Aguiar dusts off his party for 2025 – ADN

Aguiar dusts off his party for 2025 – ADN
Aguiar dusts off his party for 2025 – ADN

(ADN).- Unión Popular, the party that in Río Negro responds to the union leader Rodolfo Aguiar, and Somos, the space led by Mateo Canosa, announced that they will come together again in an alliance in the national elections next year, where they will stand At stake are three seats in the Senate and two in Deputies.

With criticism of the Milei administration, the ATE boss called for the creation of a large space.

Aguiar dusted off the party, a highly valued tool in electoral times. Yesterday, he met again with Governor Alberto Weretilneck with whom he agreed – relaxed in the living room, the photo shows – the next salary policies and working conditions for state employees in the Province.

“The vote for Milei was not an accompaniment to the right, it was a vote of punishment for the management of the Unión por la Patria government and the old practices of politics. “Society opted for an extremist alternative to express its frustration with a way of doing politics that is not giving adequate responses to the people,” assessed the president of the Unidad Popular.

Along these lines, the leader Mateo Canosa indicated: “As the opposition we have the obligation to understand this, generate new behaviors, renew ideas and promote new protagonists. If we don’t change and keep doing the same thing over and over again, we’re going to get the same bad results.” “To genuinely represent our citizens in the next legislative elections, in Río Negro we also have to compose and sing new songs,” he added, paraphrasing the sayings of Buenos Aires governor Axel Kicillof.

The electoral alliance between UP and Somos made its debut in the 2023 gubernatorial elections, whose candidate, Rafael Zamaro, achieved nearly 12,000 votes throughout the province.

Now it is being republished again, and they called for it to be expanded with other political and social spaces in the province.

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