At last! UNGRD unlocks the purchase of farms for the victims in Rosas, Cauca

At last! UNGRD unlocks the purchase of farms for the victims in Rosas, Cauca
At last! UNGRD unlocks the purchase of farms for the victims in Rosas, Cauca

The National Unit for Disaster Risk Management (UNGRD) arrived with good news for the municipality of Rosas, in the department of Cauca. In a month and a half, the entity managed to unblock the purchase of land for the resettlement of 260 families affected by the mass movement that occurred on January 9, 2023.

During a meeting held this Saturday in the urban area of ​​the municipality, the UNGRD announced the acquisition of the first properties, Alejandría and Villa Aurora, located near Rosas, where 22 families will be relocated.

“I didn’t come here to tell you lies to look good. I want to highlight the institutional effort that the UNGRD has made to unblock all these commitments in a month and a half. We are going to buy the first properties to resettle the affected families. The idea is to take them to safer conditions”assured Carlos Carrillo, general director of the UNGRD.

A team of technicians from the entity also evaluated the viability of five properties proposed by the communities. Four of them were approved for resettlement: Villa Olivo, Los Gutierrez, Vatanicos and Santa Inés.

The UNGRD also committed to liquidate the agreement with the National Land Agency to directly acquire seven farms that will be destined for the victims: La Española, La María, Leiton, Santa Elena, Charco el burro, Las Camelias and Los Naranjos.

“We are going to move forward with the properties that were already in the purchase process with an investment of close to 15 billion pesos”highlighted Yesid Salamanca, advisor to the UNGRD office.

The entity also caught up with the payment of rental subsidies for more than 180 families. It should be remembered that this benefit had been suspended for six months.

“It seems incredible to us that in a month and a half they have solved what we could not in 16 months”highlighted Johana Bedoya, community leader of the Chontaduro village in the Roseño territory.

For his part, Yesid Rivera, representative of the Portachuelo neighborhood of the municipality, left an emotional message after director Carrillo’s announcements: “Your presence here generates trust and brings hope”he added.

Another piece of good news for Rosas has to do with the reactivation of six of the 10 community pots in the municipality. The inhabitants will enjoy this UNGRD program in the coming days.

The National Unit for Disaster Risk Management (UNGRD) reiterates its commitment to the community of Rosas and assures that it will continue to work tirelessly to address their needs. We are proud to report that nearly 97% of the population registered as affected has received Emergency Humanitarian Assistance (EHA), which includes popular baskets, rental subsidies and linkage to resettlement programs.

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