The author of the millionaire robbery in Chaco was caught in Corrientes

They arrested a woman suspected of having participated in a million-dollar robbery of a jewelry store in Resistencia in the heart of Corrientes.

It is a commercial establishment located at 100 Brown Street in the capital of Chaco, where, in the early hours of May 29, criminals entered and took a significant sum of money in jewelry.

Agents from the Property Crimes Division of the Chaco Police began the investigation and inspected the security cameras. As a result, they identified a suspect, who had fled to Corrientes. Furthermore, they discovered that she had already committed a similar crime in Formosa.

The Chaco troops worked together with their Corrientes counterparts, finding the woman yesterday afternoon, on the corner of Buenos Aires and Quintana streets.

In their possession, they seized 705 thousand pesos and two thousand dollars, in addition to kidnapping rings, bracelets, chains, earrings, watches, glasses, a cell phone, a key, documents and a pink Stanley thermos with a mate, light bulb and other items.

Finally, the citizen was notified under the cause of “Alleged Robbery” and her judicial warrant was requested, along with the kidnappings.

With information from: TAG Newspaper.


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