Federal authorities carried out controls at the main entrances to Santiago del Estero and other provinces

The Argentine Federal Police carried out a large synchronized saturation operation throughout the country, in which 3,336 vehicles and 8,202 people were controlled, after more than 170 procedures in the provinces of Santa Fe; Buenos Aires; Mendoza, San Juan; Neuquen; Jump; Saint Louis; Currents; Chaco; Formosa; Missions; Black river; The Pampa; Tucumán; Catamarca; Jujuy; Cordova; The Rioja; Santiago del Estero; Between rivers; Chubut; and Tierra del Fuego.

The controls were carried out last Saturday and 1,078 police officers, 206 mobile phones and 44 detector dogs were deployed. In this way, there were a total of 171 procedures for drug trafficking; smuggling, currency evasion; immigration irregularities and arrest warrants, among others.

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Among the operations, a control carried out on National Route No. 34, in the Caraparí area, in the Gral. San Martin department, province of Salta, stands out. There the federal agents intercepted the movement of a truck, which was smuggling 36 thousand liters of refined soybean oil, valued at 132 million pesos. The Tartagal Decentralized Prosecutor’s Office intervened, which ordered the seizure of the merchandise and the AFIP – Aduana Pocitos intervened.

Likewise, in another procedure at the intersection of Route 32 and Acevedo Boulevard in the Buenos Aires city of Pergamino, the uniformed officers detained two vehicles with trailers and seized 1,730 kg of illegal wheat, with a capacity of 12 and a half million pesos.

On the other hand, personnel from the Concepción Federal Operational Unit Division, in Tucumán, captured a man who was transporting 81 marijuana wrappers, during a preventive control on National Route 157, in the town of Simoca. In an operation carried out at the Manuel Belgrano Bus Terminal in Santa Fe, agents with the support of the narcotics detector dog “Zeus” captured a citizen who was hiding narcotic wrappers. In the town of Rafaela, the authorities detained a motorcycle that, upon being verified, was found to have a current kidnapping request for a drug crime.


At the same time, in San Martín de los Andes, Neuquén, the officers arrested two men with several doses of cocaine and marijuana, while in Junín de los Andes a subject was detected who was preparing to sell narcotics in the heart of the city. location. The individual was searched and numerous doses of cocaine were seized. Also, after a procedure in Villa Mercedes, San Luis, police personnel, with the support of the anti-drug dog, apprehended a subject with packages of cannabis sativa.

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