In Antioquia, more than 1,300 Ex-Farc advance in their reintegration process

In Antioquia, more than 1,300 Ex-Farc advance in their reintegration process
In Antioquia, more than 1,300 Ex-Farc advance in their reintegration process

Medellin, Antioquia

The First Departmental Reincorporation Council of the four-year period was held and with this the inclusion in the development plan of the Peace Consolidation Program in Antioquia was made official. This will be the roadmap, guided by the Reintegration and Normalization Agency, to work with 1,314 Ex-Farc; 247 who are still in the Territorial Training and Reintegration Spaces and another 1,067 who are already throughout the department.

The coordinator of the ARN in Antioquia and Chocó, Luz Nely Osorno, celebrated that a articulated work with the Mayor’s Office and the Government in favor of the 333 women and 981 men who advance in the process. of reincorporation.

“Today, we show that the reincorporation process is really within the departmental development plan and is an articulated work that has been carried out hand in hand with the Government, through the different tables. For us it is very important because, finally, It is to materialize a process that has been carried out this year, in order to advance comprehensive reintegration. The Government of Antioquia and the Mayor’s Office of Medellín are fundamental to the process of the reincorporation of the signatories of the Final Peace Agreement in Antioquia,” explained the coordinator.

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They ask for institutional presence in the territories

Pastor Alape, as representative of the population in reincorporation, recognized the importance of the participation of Governor Andrés Julián Rendón in this council, taking into account that he has been a great critic of the peace process, and pointed out that the president made commitments, that they expect to be fulfilled, such as the presence of the State in all territories.

“This first Departmental Reincorporation Council, with this new government, is too important for the signatories and for the peace of the department, given that they were heard important commitments of the governor in the sense, for example, to mobilize the institutions to be able to respond with manifest commitment. Likewise, in being able to develop concrete actions to bring institutionality to the territory. We can say that, we agree with the governor, that peace is the presence of the State in all territories in a comprehensive manner,” said Alape.

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They advance in projects

Currently, in the department they support 574 collective and individual projects of the peace signatories.

“We met at the first meeting of the Departmental Reincorporation Council where we had the opportunity to present the bets we have on the issue of peace, but also to reaffirm our commitment to the population undergoing reincorporation. We present the advances that we have been working on in each of the different themes of land, health, education, housing, which will lead us to strengthen the process. We see peace as opportunities in the territory; The territorial approach will guarantee opportunities for people in reintegration, wherever they are, to give them a dignified life,” said Paula Andrea Polo, Peace Director of the department of Antioquia.

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This first council also had the participation of the Mission to Support the Peace Process in Colombia of the Organization of American States (OAS), the Secretariat of Human Rights and Peace of the Mayor’s Office of Medellín, the Agreement Implementation Unit of Peace (UIAP), the Verification Mission of the United Nations Organization in Colombia, the Directorate of Peace and Non-Violence of the Government of Antioquia, Proantioquia and peace signatories.

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