‘Operation returned ‘in complete normality – TODAY DIARIO DEL MAGDALENA

‘Operation returned ‘in complete normality – TODAY DIARIO DEL MAGDALENA
‘Operation returned ‘in complete normality – TODAY DIARIO DEL MAGDALENA

The Magdalena Police Department presented a positive balance corresponding to the festive weekend of Corpus Christi in terms of mobility, where the police institution in coordination with the traffic authorities were deploying a special component of uniformed personnel from the different specialties to control the ways.

According to the report provided by the Traffic Police, a total of 55,492 vehicles entered and 71,178 vehicles left the roads of the Magdalena department during the last weekend, showing a balance of complete normality.

The data reveal that, at the Neguanje toll, strategically located on the route to the northern beaches, the passage of 4,712 vehicles that entered and 5,271 that left was recorded. Similarly, at the Tasajera toll, 15,081 vehicles entered and 15,208 exited, reflecting a balanced flow of traffic in both directions.

Regarding the Laureano Gómez toll, the entry of 15,877 vehicles was reported, contrasting with the exit of 32,276, indicating a greater influx of vehicles heading towards the department of Magdalena during the analyzed period.

In turn, in the municipality of Fundación, 11,373 vehicles entered and 10,728 left, while in El Difícil, 4,964 vehicles entered and 4,302 left, showing stable vehicular movement in both directions.

Finally, in the town of Plato, the entry of 3,485 vehicles and the exit of 3,393 were reported, demonstrating a balanced vehicle flow in this area of ​​the Magdalena department.

In that sense, these data reflect a situation of normality in vehicular traffic during the weekend with a festive long weekend, which allowed safe and fluid movement of citizens along the Magdalena roads.


Transport Terminal officials said that around 40,000 passengers traveled during the holiday weekend.

Carlos Mario Redondo, manager of this entity said that 4,840 buses entered and left the Transportation Center from Friday to Monday, reaffirming once again the high movement of interdepartmental transportation destined for the city of Santa Marta.

It should be noted that, to guarantee a safe return in ‘Operation Return’, the bus companies activated the contingency plan, making additional vehicles available for the routes with the greatest demand, as well as achieving the vast majority of efficiency. in security and assistance to passengers, by the National Police and other authorities, Terminal merchants and transport companies, safely achieving the entry and exit of tourists.

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