The head of Emigration of the Xunta travels to Argentina: “I found that everything continues to develop normally”

The head of Emigration of the Xunta travels to Argentina: “I found that everything continues to develop normally”
The head of Emigration of the Xunta travels to Argentina: “I found that everything continues to develop normally”

The General Secretary of Emigration, Antonio Rodríguez Miranda, is traveling to Argentina to hold meetings with representatives of the Galician community in which he has perceived that “everything continues to develop as normal on a daily basis.” In a statement, the Galician Government reported this Monday on the trip of its head of Emigration, which occurs after the open diplomatic crisis between the governments of Spain and Argentina. “I confirmed that everything continues to develop with the normality of everyday life, both for the Galicians individually and for the entities that host them,” said Miranda, as stated in the press release in which he reports on the meeting held with the delegate of the Xunta in Buenos Aires, Alejandro López, together with representatives of the “Galician community” in the Argentine capital. There, Rodríguez Miranda highlighted the collaboration that the Xunta provides to these entities connected with the Galician diaspora, to which he thanked their work for the “preservation and promotion” of Galician culture abroad. “The commitment and dedication of these entities are fundamental to keeping our cultural and social ties alive, and to ensuring that our community abroad continues to prosper,” he stressed.


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