Carbon footprint compensation tasks were carried out by the RAMCC Assembly

Carbon footprint compensation tasks were carried out by the RAMCC Assembly
Carbon footprint compensation tasks were carried out by the RAMCC Assembly
  • The massive events that the Municipality of Córdoba accompanies are measured and compensated with tree plantations.

In the General Belgrano square of Sarmiento Park, the Municipality of Córdoba, together with a large number of organizations that supported the proposal, carried out afforestation to offset the carbon footprint of the last RAMCC assembly.

This collaborative work was possible thanks to the joint work of different actors in the city of Córdoba committed to mitigating climate change.

The forestation was carried out near the monument to Manuel Belgrano with native species of the province.

In this way, the carbon footprint generated by the VI National Assembly of the Argentine Network of Mayors against Climate Change (RAMCC) was offset with this tree planting.

The conference had the participation of more than 1,000 attendees from all over Argentina. Talks, commissions and exhibitions were held that had as their central focus the care of the environment and the importance of the actions that each municipality carries out.

To estimate the carbon footprint, collaborative work was carried out between the Secretariat of Sustainable Environment and Circular Economy of the Municipality of Córdoba, the Secretariat of Sustainability Policies of the UNC and the Institute of Energy Transformation Córdoba (ITEC) of the Municipal Entity BioCórdoba .

Other entities involved in holding the assembly also accompanied the action, such as Aguas Cordobesas, EPEC, Bancor and Lotería de Córdoba, among others.

The municipal commitment to offset the carbon footprint

The Municipality of Córdoba permanently carries out forestation to mitigate the impact of the events that take place in the city.

The case of the VI Assembly of the RAMCC joins a long list of cultural, educational, recreational and sports activities that took place in the city, such as the Córdoba Open or the National Quartet Festival

Furthermore, the municipal commitment provides that the events accompanied by the municipality will be measured in their carbon footprint and compensated accordingly.

Each tree retains up to 150 kilos of CO₂ per year; This figure may vary depending on the typology of each species and also the type of climate or soil where it grows.

The use of native flora is based on the fact that they have better adaptation to the soil and environmental conditions of the region; Therefore, they do not need additional irrigation. In addition, it translates into a benefit in the generation of habitat for native animals, which favors the conservation of local ecosystems.

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