Neuquén participated in the Internal Security Council

Neuquén participated in the Internal Security Council
Neuquén participated in the Internal Security Council

It took place in Mendoza and was attended by Security Ministers and Police Chiefs from all over the country. The provinces of Córdoba and Neuquén took advantage of the opportunity to sign a cooperation and exchange agreement on private security.

The Minister of Security of the province, Matías Nicolini and the Chief of Police, Tomas Díaz Pérez participated in the second meeting of the Internal Security Council, which was held in the city of Mendoza. The event, attended by different provincial representatives from the same area, was chaired by the Minister of National Security, Patricia Bullrich. Also present were the Ministers of Defense and Justice of the Nation, Luis Petri and Mariano Cúneo Libarona, respectively.

At the meeting, which was held in the Ángel Bustelo auditorium, work was done on axes related to the fight against drug trafficking, control of chemical precursors, inhibitors, violence in football and violence prevention, among other topics.

In her speech, Minister Bullrich highlighted the presentation before the National Congress of four bills to combat organized crime: the Anti-Mafias law; a new genetic data (DNA) registry -like the one the province of Mendoza already has-; and those of incorporation into the criminal code of the concepts of reiteration and self-defense in the performance of duty. In addition, modifications are proposed to the unification of sentences and the combination of crimes.

The national official announced that in the next few hours a draft reform of the Juvenile Penal Code will be sent and also referred to the initiative to regularize weapons that are outside the system.

Cooperation agreement in private security between Neuquén and Córdoba

Taking advantage of the opportunity, the Ministry of Security of Neuquén – by virtue of the powers granted by Law 2772 -, and the Ministry of Security of the province of Córdoba as the enforcement authority of Law 10571, signed a cooperation agreement in Mendoza with the objective of improving the regulation and control of private security and surveillance companies in both provinces.

This agreement establishes the bases of cooperation for the exchange of experiences and knowledge in the regulation and control of private security and surveillance companies in Neuquén and Córdoba.

In the agreement, both parties commit to improving the regulation and control of private security companies and developing joint training actions to professionalize the functions of security personnel. The document also establishes the implementation of a digital management system for the authorization of private security companies, thus guaranteeing transparency and agility in the administrative process.

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