Important hydraulic works carried out in Camagüey

Important hydraulic works carried out in Camagüey
Important hydraulic works carried out in Camagüey

CAMAGÜEY.- With the purpose of improving the stability of the water supply to the population, important hydraulic works continue to be carried out in the Camagüey municipalities of Nuevitas, Santa Cruz del Sur and this city.

Betsy Rodríguez Cardoso, subdelegate of Investments of the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources in the province, commented that two pieces of equipment sent from Villa Clara are in the process of being commissioned to be commissioned at the Saramaguacán pumping station, with which it is expected to guarantee more than 400 liters of water per second towards the northern industrial territory.

Currently, he said, a team of specialists is working on the corresponding adaptations based on the technical parameters required by the aforementioned pumping station, in which for more than 10 days, approximately, another engine, recovered from the station, also began to operate. Cuban-Bulgarian to deliver 238 liters per second to the Nuevitas water treatment plant.

Although we are still far from achieving the expected results, due to the electrical problems that have caused potholes in the operation of the plant’s generator set, the vital liquid has reached areas where there were greater difficulties, stated Cardoso Rodríguez.

However, he pointed out that high places in the Pastelillo and La Gloria districts do not benefit from the networks with the necessary pressure, so the possibility of making a sectorization is being evaluated, that is, placing a shut-off valve to keep the water in. above so that it is shared better for both communities.

Due to the importance of vital centers for the socioeconomic development of the province, he highlighted that a new pipeline is operating that supplies the 26 de Julio Cement Factory, the 10 de Octubre Thermoelectric Power Plant and the October Revolution Fertilizer Company, at the same time that it began the rehabilitation of the main supply conduit to the population, with an advance of approximately more than 1.2 kilometers that, when reaching the aqueduct water tank, will make it possible to serve the highest areas of that town with greater pressure and provide a service with less days of deficit.

In addition to these actions, he mentioned the rehabilitation work in the water treatment plant of that territory, which, he noted, has not been carried out with new equipment, but it is possible to guarantee 300 liters per second, from the improvement of a module with filter material and the aim is to rescue the second piece of equipment of this type to alter it in the event of a breakdown.

In the Saramaguacán River, he added, several actions have also been undertaken, including the cleaning of the sand trap, the repair of the siphon, a concrete structure damaged by social indiscipline for the illegal use of water, as well as the sanitation of the canal. approach and placement of new gratings.

He specified that in the tourist center of Santa Lucía, important works have also been carried out that have allowed the exploitation of 20 kilometers of a new conductor since January, in addition to the rehabilitation, waterproofing and painting of its supported tank and the improvement of the tank. elevated and the pumping station.

There are still, he added, more than 3.5 kilometers to complete the entire gravity pipeline and begin the impulsion pipeline to the extent that fuel availability allows it.

At the Punta de San Juan pumping station, in the municipality of Santa Cruz del Sur, he detailed that several leaks persist, the solution of which is being worked on, and at the head of that town it is planned to inject more water into the well system from a position in the Najasa River with a slow filter system, with the aim of reducing the exploitation of those environments deteriorated by salinity and contributing to the recovery of that water table.

Regarding the situation that the provincial capital faces today, he pointed out that work is prioritized to achieve the operation of the Pontezuela pumping station with two engines and guarantee the delivery of 400 liters per second from its new driver.

Once this work is completed, he highlighted the need to continue the installation of the four remaining engines of the Máximo pumping station.

Likewise, he referred to a large leak identified in a valve located at the junction where Máximo and Cubano-Búlgara meet which, together with other problems detected, will require the commitment of workers in the hydraulic sector to guarantee a vital service to the people.

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