setback for the Government, they confirmed the precautionary order that orders delivery to dining rooms

The scandal with food in Capital Humano does not seem to end. Now the Buenos Aires Federal Chamber confirmed the precautionary measure of Judge Sebastián Casanello that ordered the government to develop a distribution plan of the food stored for soup kitchens and picnic areas.

The appeal court endorsed Casanello’s decision to “entrust the Ministry of Human Capital to develop a distribution plan for said food based on its type, quantity, expiration date and target group, foreseeing its immediate execution.” .

Casanello He had given a period of 72 hours to develop that plan, which the government never fulfilled.

The court noted that in the file “an attempt is made to establish whether public officials engaged in criminal acts having suspended the delivery of food to community kitchens.”

“Criminal laws provide the specific preventive tools that the judge used to attempt either to stop the commission of the allegedly criminal act being investigated, or to prevent its effects from worsening,” the Chamber vindicated Casanello’s actions.

Scandal in Human Capital: sanctions against Grabois and Gianni for their conduct

In the resolution of the National Chamber of Federal Criminal and Correctional Appeals, which bears the signature of Judge José Luis Agüero Iturbe, it is also stated ordered that the conduct of Juan Grabois and Leila Gianni be investigated during a court hearing.

It was indicated “the issuance of official letters with a copy of this statement to the Public Bar Association of this city and to the Ministry of Human Capital of the Nation so that, within the framework of their respective disciplinary powers, they evaluate the conduct displayed by Juan Grabois and Leila Gianni in the hearing held before this Chamber.

With information from Argentine News


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