“They are a swarm of violent, ignorant and intolerant people”

The national representative Carolina Piparo sealed his definitive distancing from Freedom Advancesafter having closely accompanied the president Javier Milei during the campaign, considering that libertarians “they became a swarm of violent, ignorant and intolerant people.”

“It turns out that since the government came to power, and I remind you that I worked hard to make that happen, you cannot disagree in a single comma with the ‘liberals’they became a swarm of violent, ignorant and intolerant people who They defend the indefensible and believe they can change something from a keyboard“said Piparo.

In dialogue with Clarionthe legislator stated: “I was not, I am not and I will not be a fan of anything or anyone. From my bench, my commitment is to the country, to Argentines in general and to Buenos Aires residents in particular.”

“I am not surprised by the baseless attacks because it is not the first nor will it be the last time, but To believe that they are going to discipline me with insults through networks is to underestimate me.“, Piparo told this newspaper, who considered that “the idea that one cannot disagree on anything and that one must Obeying without fissures has nothing liberal about it.

“I was not, I am not and I will not be a fan of anything or anyone,” Piparo emphasized to Clarín. Photo: Juano Tesone

Through a harsh message published this morning on her social networks, the national deputy marked her definitive distancing from the space led by Javier Milei. “They are becoming everything we already saw and rejected“he attacked.

“He fanaticism stains ideas Unfailingly, reflect because it is not that way. See you soon”, Piparo sentenced after the criticism she received via social networks from the hard core of libertarians, who questioned her for voting against eliminating privileged retirements.

The ruling party’s initiative did not advance because it received 111 negative votes, against 109 positive votes, and 15 abstentions. Article 11 of the project proposed the “elimination of lifetime monthly allocations to the president and vice president.”

In this context, the former candidate for Buenos Aires governor for La Libertad Avanza reminded Clarion: “Always “I have claimed and defended freedom of expression, thought and action.”

When referring to his negative vote, in response to the approval in Deputies of a new retirement formula that was highly questioned by the national Executive, he explained: “With my vote I supported the President’s position and not because I believe that those who contributed throughout their lives They should not be paid better except because I understand that the millions of retirees without contributions made our pension system unviable, but it turns out that If someone makes a single difference, they automatically become an enemy, a traitor or whatever.”

The former libertarian leader, who was a candidate for Buenos Aires governor for La Libertad Avanza in 2023 and toured the country with the Milei brothers, finished distancing herself from the libertarians, since she was currently a member of the Buenos Aires Libre bloc with Lorena Macyszyn.

Carolina Piparo with Javier and Karina Milei during the presidential campaign. Photo: Reuters

After the electoral victory of Javier Milei in the runoff, the first friction came when the libertarian had publicly promised to be in charge of Anses, but finally he gave the position to economist Osvaldo Giordano. The move was aimed at strengthening an alliance with the governor of Cordoba Juan Schiaretti.

The news was a shock within La Libertad Avanza, not only because Píparo was part of the closest nucleus of the libertarian but because of the sloppiness with which everything happened. The legislator had left a message for the Anses workers and thanked Milei “for the trust.”

Piparo had his first legislative setback with the libertarians during the period of extraordinary sessions, when he voted against some particular articles of the Bases Law, the first time it was discussed but it did not obtain endorsement in the Chamber of Deputies and returned to committee.

At the beginning of February, the President’s Office made a strong publication on social networks where it divided the deputies who “voted for and against the people” during the debate in particular of the Omnibus Law: Piparo was in the second group. In that opportunityMilei spoke of “loyalists and traitors”.

At 3 in the morning, the President reposted the tweet from the President’s Office and, far from tone down the confrontation, insisted: “Here is the list of loyalists and traitors who used the discourse of change to be able to loot a gang.” Come and see theThe enemies of a better Argentina“.

After being included in a list of “traitors”, the deputy and former candidate for governor of Buenos Aires for La Libertad Avanza stated: “Stop the aggression and nonsense.”

Although the deputy chose not to respond to the accusations through the media, she did do so via social networks: “Stop with the friend/enemy story that we have already seen it a thousand times and it doesn’t work.”

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