They implement an operation to prevent car theft in Lomas – El Sol de San Luis

They implement an operation to prevent car theft in Lomas – El Sol de San Luis
They implement an operation to prevent car theft in Lomas – El Sol de San Luis

In the preventive scheme implemented by the State Civil Guard called “Containment Poniente Lomas” In the last 24 hours, there were 15 patrols in various neighborhoods with 18 vehicles searched, 05 motorcycles searched and two people arrested brought before the FGE for various crimes.

This was reported in an interview by the commander of the State Civil Guard, Jesus Juarez Hernandez who indicated that this strategy is part of the operational plans of the State Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection, to guarantee order and public peace in the metropolitan area.

On par with the inspection of vehicles, people and attention to relevant aidcarousel operations are carried out on main avenues to regulate speed and prevent accidents on Chapultepec Avenue, the Himalayan Mountain Range and the Alpine Mountain Range.

He explained that the immediate reaction cells “Contention Poniente Lomas”, They carry out daily patrols in Lomas first, second, third and fourth section, Lomas del Tecnológico, Cumbres de San Luis and Zona Universitaria.

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Along with the operational actions, work is coordinated with the Investigative Police in the implementation of the Tracked operation, as well as preventive patrols deployed in the capital and Soledad in a coordinated manner with the municipal police of both municipalities, with the aim of preventing and combating vehicle theft, including high-end ones, as well as commercial and pedestrian robberies.

One of the priorities is to put special attention to the criminal phenomenon of vehicle theft which, and the actions carried out to combat this crime through special groups, have made it possible to find the whereabouts of cells that generate incidence, achieving their arrest and dismantling these criminal groups.

Likewise, it highlights the arrest of alleged leaders classified as priority targetsa high effectiveness is also maintained in terms of the recovery of units, on average 8 to 10 vehicles with a current report are located daily and during the weekends the figure increases.

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