Melinka educational community on strike due to poor school conditions

Melinka educational community on strike due to poor school conditions
Melinka educational community on strike due to poor school conditions

People demand definitive solutions to the problem.

The residents of Melinka denounce a complex situation, due to the poor conditions in which the Melinka high school is located, where a new sewage overflow occurred, which has caused bad odors and a toxic environment for the students.

The conditions of the high school forced its closure by the territorial manager of the Aysén Health Service, Daniela Vargas, while solutions are delivered.


Due to the situation, since the morning of this Tuesday, June 4, the educational community has been paralyzed and they held a demonstration at the Ana Nahuel Pergola in the town, where they made their main demands known, through a petition.

The members of the establishment are paralyzed until they are given a definitive solution. Among the main requirements are:

-Cleaning of septic tanks, with a maximum frequency of three months and in periods when academic activities are not carried out.

-Installation of a grinding pump for septic tanks.

-Carrying out a total sanitation of the establishment to eliminate any health risk.

-Availability of a spare lift pump in case of emergency.

-Designation of personnel or team in charge of maintenance to constantly monitor the operation of the healthcare facilities and address any other difficulties in a timely manner.

-Detailed information about the replacement project that will guarantee a definitive solution to the problems of septic tanks.

About this they spoke with Aysén Regional Newspaperthe president of the high school parents’ center, Leticia Mario, and the representative, María Quintero, who accuse the bad actions of the Aysén Local Public Education Service (SLEP).

The president of the high school parents’ center accuses that the SLEP has only provided temporary solutions. “The smell that you breathe there is unpleasant for anyone, it is very toxic, unhealthy. SLEP did nothing about it, only temporary solutions, so that students can start classes on March 5,” she points out.

Leticia and María agree that they have only held meetings with the SLEP, via Zoom, so they hope that they will go in person to see the situation.

In addition, they assure that there are more problems, such as the lack of supplies, materials for the development of classes, basic necessities, a bus that has capacity for all students, leaks and the malfunctioning of the heating.

Instruction to SLEP

Deputies Miguel Ángel Calisto, René Alinco and Marcia Raphael have shown concern about the problem and have met with people. Deputy Calisto announced this Wednesday, the 5th, that he met with the Minister of Education, Nicolás Cataldo, with whom he had already spoken from Melinka.

The meeting addressed the instruction of the regional SLEP to take this situation and seek a definitive solution.

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