They articulate inter-ministerial and international cooperation projects

They allow progress in public policies in the territory, to improve the quality of life of people and promote the development of local projects. One of them, articulated with the World Bank, is called “Women Constructors” and is part of the Provincial Plan for Gender Equality.

As part of the work of construction and completion of projects with other organizations, the Minister of Human Development, Local Governments and Women, Julieta Corroza, together with the Secretary of Gender, Natalia Fenizi, met yesterday morning with Santiago Scialabba, Senior Specialist in Social Development from the World Bank.

Seeking to promote common projects, ties were strengthened so that, through the World Bank, funds could be managed to finance provincial programs, as well as provide continuity to joint work that allows local projects to be carried out with components of environmental care, development of youth, diversities and gender, among others.

Minister Corroza thanked the World Bank for its support of public gender policies in the prevention and eradication of violence, and the commitment assumed for new lines of work that allow the development of projects with local governments.

“As a ministry we work to reach the Neuquén territory with more opportunities; “We implement it through the construction of alliances with other organizations that allow us to propose solid, precise, and real public policies, to improve the quality of life of the residents of each locality, and enhance the development of local projects,” stood out.

The minister met yesterday with Santiago Scialabba, Senior Specialist in Social Development at the World Bank.

“Women Builders” Training

Part of the projects articulated with the World Bank is the so-called “Women Constructors”, a commitment of the provincial portfolio, which is part of the Provincial Plan for Gender Equality designed by the Gender Secretariat.

The proposal consists of a training cycle for “Comprehensive Assistant in Construction and General Services” with the Potenciar Foundation, aimed at women in the northern region.

The inter-institutional project will be implemented in Las Ovejas, after the signing of a framework agreement between Mayor Marisa Antiñir; the Potenciar Foundation; and the ministries of Human Development, Local Governments and Women; Work and Labor Development and Infrastructure.

Corroza explained that this “is part of the various actions linked to the construction of the Provincial Plan for Gender Equality, which seeks to reduce the economic, social, political and digital gaps of inequality, reinforcing the territorial perspective and promoting their economic and social autonomy. and decision making.”

“The proposal seeks to provide a training space to strengthen skills for job insertion and income supplementation for women in the Northern region which, in turn, will improve the employability of women and their autonomy as providers of construction services.” ”, he emphasized.

He added that “the town of Las Ovejas was chosen because it has started works, such as single-family homes under construction in different stages of development located in front of the Women’s Integral House. Among them, 9 are almost completed and with this proposal, about 40 women will receive construction training to apply it in their own homes and projects.”

On the occasion of the anniversary of Las Ovejas, the agreement was signed to advance the training of women builders.

About the interministerial project

The Ministry of Human Development, Local Governments and Women, through the Gender Secretariat, managed external financing with the World Bank.

The ADUS will manage the materials and tools for the municipality to guarantee the development of practical activities on site and personal protection elements; It also makes the technical equipment available for the inspection of tasks.

The Ministry of Labor, through the Undersecretary of Employment, will be in charge of forming the list of potential beneficiaries to be part of this “Women Builders” training path.

For its part, the municipality, through the Undersecretariat of Public Works, will provide the technical direction, the coordination of the groups and the work plan, along with the technical assistance of a person as a construction foreman; as well as the physical space conditioned for classes, lodging and food for participating women.

The quotas are distributed based on the proximity of residence to the municipality of Las Ovejas, contemplating the towns of Andacollo, Huinganco, Los Guañacos, Varvarco-Invernada Vieja, Chos Malal, Loncopué, El Cholar, El Huecú, Tricao Malal and Coyuco- Cochico.

During the anniversary of Taquimilán, presided over by the governor, agreements were signed.

Training in CPR and Sign Language

On the other hand, different cooperation and commitment agreements were signed between the Ministry of Human Development, Local Governments and Women, the Banco Provincia de Neuquén Foundation and the municipalities of Taquimilán and Las Ovejas.

The Banco Provincia del Neuquén Foundation will be in charge of delivering the Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and Argentine Sign Language (ASL) training for agents of the Municipality of Las Ovejas on dates to be agreed upon. The Foundation will make available the coordination, transportation, materials and logistics to deliver the training.

In Taquimilán, CPR training spaces will be replicated for municipal employees.

The agreements bear the signature of Minister Julieta Corroza; the president of the BPN Foundation, Marlene Velásquez Herwitty; the mayor of Las Ovejas, Marisa Antiñir; and the mayor of Taquimilán, Juan Carlos Montesino.

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