At the House of Culture, Paco Durañona presented his book “Arraigo” in Salta – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary

At the House of Culture, Paco Durañona presented his book “Arraigo” in Salta – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary
At the House of Culture, Paco Durañona presented his book “Arraigo” in Salta – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary

“Arraigo: Towards a federalism of the 21st century”, a book by Federico Paco Durañona, was presented yesterday at the House of Culture.

With the presence of Juan Manuel Urtubey and Pablo Kosiner, Federico Duranoña He presented his book, with the participation of political leaders, territorial representatives, legislators, officials and activists.

The author expressed that when federalism is sought to be incorporated into the population’s agenda, it is something that “does not fall in love with.” “We don’t get involved and we don’t fully understand what we mean, despite it being in the first article of the National Constitution,” he said.

Given this, they thought about how to build the bridge with society and there the term “rooting” was born, thinking from the point of view of mandatory uprooting.

“It occurs because the interior does not guarantee, due to this history of failure of federal organization, sufficient conditions for local development. Essential and minimal issues are pending. We have 1/3 of the population without basic services in the 21st century, and that is criminal,” he said.

At the same time, he added that, without these minimum conditions, it is not guaranteed that a young person can study or have a decent and blank job, or transportation that integrates the provinces.

In dialogue with New dairy, Durañona expressed that Salta “is called to lead and participate with a very solid role in this debate.” “It is precisely the representation of federal culture, of the interior, of our history, of our roots,” she stated.

Regarding the deepening of centralist policies at present, he said that the situation is “tragic.” In his town, San Antonio de Areco, which he governed for two periods, he reported that they are suffering from the reduction of PAMI medicines and the paralysis of fundamental works such as the sewage treatment plant or more than 200 homes.

“The impact is enormous, but society is still anesthetized, as a result of the enormous frustration generated by the failures of a model that has been concentrated on a Buenos Aires-centric surface, and with a Buenos Aires-centric aesthetic and culture,” he assured this medium the political reference of Buenos Aires Peronism.

Kosiner: deputy’s look

For its part, Pablo Kosiner He gave his opinion to this medium about the role of the governor Gustavo Saenz and was in favor of the Güemes Pact. “He celebrates the decision to have called for a provincial agreement within the framework of the tributes to General Güemes on the basis of dialogue. Sitting down to talk marks a differential criterion with respect to what we are experiencing today at the national level, where it seems that the cultural battle posed by the president is who shouts the loudest or who insults the loudest or who imposes his idea on another. “This criterion of confrontation has failed in Argentina,” he said. As for the national deputies, he considered that with the current panorama of Congress, where no force has its own majority, the provinces have an opportunity to unite on a federal agenda.

“If this regrouping serves to carry out a specific agenda to defend the federalism of the province, it is welcome,” he said.

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