Increases efficiency in collection of fines in Ciego de Ávila – Periódico Invasor

Increases efficiency in collection of fines in Ciego de Ávila – Periódico Invasor
Increases efficiency in collection of fines in Ciego de Ávila – Periódico Invasor

The efficiency rates in the collection of fines in Ciego de Ávila increase, being higher than previous stages.

The entry into the state budget of 17,000,500 pesos, during the first quarter of this year, for the collection of 22,054 fines, denotes efficiency rates higher than previous stages in the province, as a result of greater completion of the staff in the offices in charge of this management and joint work with other organizations.

Rodolfo Miguel Guerra León, main fine specialist at the Provincial Directorate of Finance and Price, explained to Invasor that in the period they recorded the collection of 92 percent of the total fines applied, an indicator higher than previous stages and above the national average. .

He specified that the increase in staff – 120 managers, out of a possible 142 – has a positive impact on the results of the 10 offices enabled for the control and collection of fines in the Avilanian territory.

He recalled that these centers remain open from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm and from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm and in the event that a person does not have the full money to make the payment, they can establish an agreement to do so in installments.

There is also the possibility of using electronic gateways that offer, among their benefits, not waiting in line or that the visit to the offices does not coincide with the lack of electricity or the failure of the computer system, however, they were only settled in the period 716 fines for an amount of 14,020 pesos for this method, he said.

Guerra León insisted that the fines have a period of 30 days to be paid and in the second month their value doubles, but after 60 days they come into force. Once all variants have been exhausted, the offender’s file is passed to the National Revolutionary Police (PNR) for summons and processing in Court for non-payment.

He highlighted the support of the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution, combatants and district delegates, among other community authorities, to locate debtors, who sometimes change their address or are not known.

The Fine Collection Offices systematically disseminate information through the media about where to pay the fines and the ways to do so, so that the population fulfills its duties and does not miss the established deadlines.

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