Alarming increase in cases of deaths of women in Antioquia: five were recorded in less than a week

Alarming increase in cases of deaths of women in Antioquia: five were recorded in less than a week
Alarming increase in cases of deaths of women in Antioquia: five were recorded in less than a week

Three of these events occurred in Medellín and the remaining in Sabaneta and Fredonia. The victims were between 21 and 58 years old.

In Antioquia there are already 40 women murdered this year.

The authorities of Medellín and Antioquia have shown their concern about the death – due to different violent reasons – of at least five women in Antioquia in less than seven days. Of these cases, two occurred this Thursday, June 6.

The first incident occurred in a house located on Carrera 69B and Calle 119 in the Florencia neighborhood, from the west of Medellín.

There, a 29-year-old woman was found by her relatives, without vital signs, inside her room. According to a preliminary police report, the young woman was found kneeling and part of her body on the bed. The police also found inside the room a can of beer and what would be several samples of hallucinogenic substances.

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Although no signs of violence were found on the woman’s body, Sijin investigators determined that the woman’s death remained to be established. It will then be the Forensic Medicine experts who determine how the young woman lost her life.

The second event that left another woman’s family in mourning It occurred in the El Playón de los Comuneros neighborhood, in the Northeast of Medellín.

There, in a house located at the intersection of 124th Street and 50th Street, another 21-year-old girl She was found dead by her romantic partner. Apparently the woman had suspended herself until death.

Sijin investigators were also deployed to the site, who They were in charge of investigating the woman’s death.

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To these cases we must add the murder of Dary del Consuelo Buitrago Jiménez, 51 years old, in the Belén San Bernardo neighborhood, after she was shot by a man on the night of June 5.

That day the community reported hearing several gunshots, as well as a woman lying on a sidewalk.

According to witnesses who witnessed the murder, Buitrago got off a motorcycle when a man dressed in black and wearing a balaclava approached. At that moment the subject pulled out a gun and hit her several times..

The authorities also count the murder of a 47-year-old woman, identified as Luz Mary Hincapié, who died after being stabbed in the middle of a public road in Sabaneta.

The events occurred on Carrera 48 and 74, in the sector known as Calle Larga.

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The Police found the man accused of fatally injuring the woman, known as alias Orejas, and he was immediately captured and presented to the authorities to answer for the alleged crime of femicide.

Finally, although it did not occur in Aburrá, to these incidents we must add the one that occurred last weekend in the municipality of Fredonia, southwestern Antioquia, where a 58-year-old woman was murdered in the middle of a public street.

The event occurred on the night of Sunday, June 2, at around 7:00 pm. According to the information that the Police have managed to collect from witnesses and some cameras in the sector, the woman was outside her house smoking a cigarette. when she was approached by two men on a motorcycle who in a matter of seconds pulled out a knife and began to attack her.

The woman received several deep injuries. Due to the alarm of the neighbors, the authorities transferred the woman to the Santa Lucía hospital in this municipality, believing that she had been the victim of a traffic accident. However, minutes later, after several resuscitation maneuvers by the medical staff, the lady died due to the severity of the injuries.

So far in 2024, 11 women have been murdered in Medellín. According to the Prosecutor’s Office, six of these homicides are classified as femicides. Meanwhile, in Antioquia there are already 40 women murdered this year.

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