Dimar granted 19 Atlantic beach concessions to local families

Dimar granted 19 Atlantic beach concessions to local families
Dimar granted 19 Atlantic beach concessions to local families

In an effort to promote tourism and economic development in the municipality of Tubará, Atlántico, the General Maritime Directorate (Dimar) Through the Port Captaincy of Barranquilla, it granted 19 beach concessions in the Puerto Velero sector.

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These concessions, which cover a total area of ​​approximately 52,000 square meters, seek to encourage tourist activities, recreational and commercial, directly benefiting local families.

The Puerto Velero sector, in the municipality of Tubará, has witnessed growing tourism development in recent years, due to its power.

With this initiative that involved maritime and beach zoning work, approved by the Local Beach Committee of Tubará, it is ensured that the concessioned areas are used in a sustainable and orderly manner.

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Historically, this area of ​​the Atlantic has been the cause of harsh confrontations for the theft of land and invasion of coastal areaswhich have ended up claiming the lives of some, and keeping others behind bars, including public officials.

The beaches of the Atlantic are a tourist destination that attracts hundreds of visitors.

Photo:Atlantic Governorate

The beneficiary families depend largely on the trade of drinks and food, the rental of kiosks and tents, and the teaching of water sports on these beaches.

Thanks to this plan, they now have the opportunity to improve their quality of life through the legal and orderly exploitation of these beach areas.

The initiative also has the support of the Colombian Maritime Authoritywhich has committed to working together with other authorities and associations to ensure the economic and tourism development of the country, promoting the sustainable use of beaches and the protection of the marine environment.

This comprehensive effort seeks not only to boost tourism, but also to ensure that growth is carried out in a manner that is respectful of the natural environment and local communities.

Puerto Velero merchants now have legal security

Carlos Charris, from the association of tourist servers and beautification of the beaches of Tubará, described the event as an achievement of legal security for the lifelong work of the people who work in this coastal area.

“It is comforting to know that now you will be able to enjoy greater peace of mind and commitment to keep your concessions and community together. It is crucial to recognize the support of the Barranquilla port captaincy, the mayor’s office and the director of the CRA, Jesús León Zambrano, in this important achievement,” he said.

​”The concession of these areas in Puerto Velero is an important step towards the sustainable development of our municipality,” commented one of the beneficiaries. “It allows us not only to generate income for our families, but also to contribute to tourism growth,” he said.

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