A strong connection? Mother and daughter died on the same day in isolated incidents

A strong connection? Mother and daughter died on the same day in isolated incidents
A strong connection? Mother and daughter died on the same day in isolated incidents

A curious case has left the population of the department of Chocó shocked.

On Wednesday, June 5, Erika Quintana and her mother, Candelaria Quintana, They lost their lives, one after the other. An entire family had to bear the pain of the double loss.

As reported by Vanguardia, the tragedy began when the news of the death of Erika was received, who is known, was transferred to a medical center in Urabá in an attempt to treat an unspecified illness. Although the doctors on duty tried to save her, Erika couldn’t get over it and died.

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With barely the fresh pain of his departure, the municipality of Acandí was surprised again with another piece of news. Candelaria Quintana, the young woman’s mother, had also left this world while fighting an arduous battle against cancer. But just that day he had complications and around noon he died.

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Candelaria was admired for her bravery and fight against cancer. As for Erika, they remember her fondly for her sweetness and kindness.

For his part, the mayor of Acandí, Chocó, Luis Fernando Martínez Pérez, expressed his condolences and highlighted the legacy of love and dedication that Candelaria and Erika left in the community.


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