Regional rejection of the modification to the health barrier grows

Regional rejection of the modification to the health barrier grows
Regional rejection of the modification to the health barrier grows

From the Rural Society of Río Negro, its president Nora Lavayen, agreed with the position expressed by the president of the Chubut Federation of Rural Societies, Osvaldo Lujan, regarding modify the health barrier. He stressed the need to defend the status achieved by the Patagonian region of being a “foot-and-mouth disease-free zone without vaccination”, proposing to work so that the northern part of the country improves its conditions to reach that status.

Lavayen maintained this when speaking with journalist Rodrigo Mansilla on INVINCIBLES on FM EL CHUBUT, assessing that “within Patagonia we have formed a block where all sectors, public and private, are represented; and in that block we discuss common issues.”

Related note: Health Barrier: “It makes no sense to justify a health issue from a commercial point of view”

As for Río Negro, he appreciated that a unified position was achieved from both the private sectors and the Rio Negro government itself, “There was a common agreement to reject any type of modification to the health barrier that implies the danger of the health status that Patagonia has.” Meanwhile, with the rest of the region “we are working together, when we need to meet, we do so and we are in permanent communication.”

In Patagonia “we are free of foot and mouth disease without vaccination – and – to reach that health status did not happen overnight. It is hard work over many years and we want to defend it,” he emphasized.

He clarified along these lines that “we agree that Argentina becomes free of foot and mouth disease without vaccination throughout the country. We want there to be no regression, but for the rest of the country to do the same work we did in Patagonia to reach that status.. “That’s what we’re proposing.”

It was in this context that he reiterated that ““We are rejecting any type of relaxation of the health barrier,” because this “not only affects Río Negro, but also the rest of the region.”

“In the Patagonian provinces, certain markets have been achieved that, in the event of a relaxation of the health barrier, those markets would be lost,” sumo.

“We want to maintain that health status, that is why we disagree with any type of relaxation of the barrier – and that is why – We propose that the majority objective is to integrate the rest of the country to a higher health statusthat the rest of the country do the necessary work to become free of foot and mouth disease without vaccination until the entire country is free of foot and mouth disease without vaccination,” he concluded.

Related note: The health barrier “today is more of an economic barrier than one of protection for health and animal health”

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