Cause and Effect: Analysis of the current tense scenario in the Communist Party of Chile | cause and effect

Cause and Effect: Analysis of the current tense scenario in the Communist Party of Chile | cause and effect
Cause and Effect: Analysis of the current tense scenario in the Communist Party of Chile | cause and effect

A solid position within the ruling coalition has recently been hit by the Jadue Case, investigated for corruption crimes.

The Communist Party of Chile, which this week celebrated its 112th anniversary, recently experienced a blow when it saw one of its leaders fall into preventive detention, within the framework of the investigation for corruption crimes.

The institutionality of the party manifested itself in favor of Daniel Jadue, defending his innocence and even accusing “political persecution” by the Judiciary. However, not everyone joined this strong criticism so strongly, nor did they speak out in those terms.

Historically, the party has had a vertical and pyramidal structure. Additionally, it has always had a dogmatic and rather rigid operation. Nevertheless, It seems that the PC is divided internally; There is a huge list of militants uncomfortable with the decisions of Lautaro Carmona, who has proven to lead and manage in a very different way from Guillermo Teillier.

It should be noted that, despite this particular trial, which had a notable impact on the group, the Communist Party is currently very well positioned in the ruling coalition. Important positions Both in the Executive Branch and in Congress evidence the above.

There is a more “broad front” current, among whose members we could mention the Government spokesperson, Camila Vallejo, as well as some parliamentarians. Those of this tendency have distanced themselves from Mayor Jadue for years.

President Carmona supported Jadue without consulting the rest of the militants if they agree, which could be reprehensible; but at the same time, he is in line with how the PC has always operated, a party where although there may be internal debates, There are no elections or greater acceptance of different tendencies among its members.

A solid position within the ruling coalition has been recently hit by the Jadue Case, investigated for corruption crimes.

The Communist Party of Chile, which this week celebrated its 112th anniversary, recently experienced a blow when it saw one of its leaders fall into preventive detention, within the framework of the investigation for corruption crimes.

The institutionality of the party manifested itself in favor of Daniel Jadue, defending his innocence and even accusing “political persecution” by the Judiciary. However, not everyone joined this strong criticism so strongly, nor did they speak out in those terms.

Historically, the party has had a vertical and pyramidal structure. Additionally, it has always had a dogmatic and rather rigid operation. Nevertheless, It seems that the PC is divided internally; There is a huge list of militants uncomfortable with the decisions of Lautaro Carmona, who has proven to lead and manage in a very different way from Guillermo Teillier.

It should be noted that, despite this particular trial, which had a notable impact on the group, the Communist Party is currently very well positioned in the ruling coalition. Important positions Both in the Executive Branch and in Congress evidence the above.

There is a more “broad front” current, among whose members we could mention the Government spokesperson, Camila Vallejo, as well as some parliamentarians. Those of this tendency have distanced themselves from Mayor Jadue for years.

President Carmona supported Jadue without consulting the rest of the militants if they agree, which could be reprehensible; but at the same time, he is in line with how the PC has always operated, a party where although there may be internal debates, There are no elections or greater acceptance of different tendencies among its members.

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