Colombia opens new international airport: a giant step for Casanare

Colombia opens new international airport: a giant step for Casanare
Colombia opens new international airport: a giant step for Casanare

In a historic decision, the House of Representatives approved in its last debate the bill that will transform the Alcaraván Airport in Yopal at an international airportthis proposal led by Democratic Center senator Alirio Barrera, has been a constant effort in Congress and now promises a prosperous future for the Llanos Orientales region and the department of Casanare.

Senator Barrera pointed out that the internationalization of the airport is one of the main emblems and highlighted the positive impact it will have on the economic, tourist and social development of the region.

“The internationalization of El Alcaraván Airport is a dream that comes true. This project is a great step towards the progress of Yopal and Casanare, and I am sure that it will bring with it a prosperous future for our region,” said Barrera.

Among the most notable advantages of this transformation are a significant boost to tourism, with the increase in national and international visitors that will strengthen the hotel industry, restaurants, transportation and other tourist services, in addition, new direct and indirect jobs will be generated in related sectors such as commerce, logistics and transportation.

The improvements in the airport’s infrastructure will include the expansion of runways, the construction of modern terminals and the organization of security systems and operational capacity, in the same way it will take a step to increase the global connectivity region of, facilitating access to international markets and attracting foreign investments and new business opportunities.

Since 1996, Alcaraván Airport has made significant progress in expanding and improving its facilities, preparing to offer large-scale logistics services, Its Category 8 classification meets all the necessary requirements to operate as an international air terminal.

The positive impact of this initiative also aims to shelter the residents of Yopal, who will have access to international flights without having to travel to other cities, Likewise, public services and fuel supply facilities will be improved, strengthening the competitiveness of the airport and its ability to serve as a logistics center for the Orinoquía region.

The bill now only needs to go to plenary conciliation between the House and Senate, and subsequently, obtain presidential sanction, Senator Alirio Barrera comments that this is “the best bill that has been approved for the department of Casanare”, it promises a future full of opportunities for the Colombian Llanos region.

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