They deliver food packages in the center of Neuquén

The group Barrios de Pie (Libres del Sur) will put up a picnic area in the downtown area of ​​Neuquén, with the modality of food delivery. This was announced on Thursday, at the closing of the “hunger tent” and as part of a national campaign to make visible the lack of state response to the demands of the soup kitchens, he indicated. Gladis Aballay, leader of the sector.

The group’s task began last Thursday in the downtown area with the collection of warm clothing and non-perishable merchandise for the canteens, however, In the last edition of the stay in the downtown, a kitchen was set up on the esplanade of the monument to San Martín, was held a popular pot and food was delivered.

“It is a way to make visible the reality that thousands of families live throughout the province who do not have enough to eat”; Aballay said. He highlighted that poverty grew in the country, that the city of Neuquén and its surroundings had this reality and that is why every Thursday they will be installed with a portion of food for needy families.

«This dining room in the center It is added to the more than 3 thousand meals that we deliver to the soup kitchens in the neighborhoods, andThis tent against hunger in the center. Every week the demand increases, we started with 80 and today we are at more than 120 people coming for their plate of food. We not only deliver to homeless people, but also to people who are in the center and do not have to eat,” he said.

Noodles or lentil stew were part of the food distribution on the esplanade of the monument to San Martín (photo Cecilia Maletti)

He said that the modality will be the same that Barrios de Pie maintains in sectors such as Nueva Esperanza, Centenario, Plottier, on the plateau, Hornitos sector, Pacifica or Villa Ceferino: with food removal by a family member. «Where the food basket is inaccessible, demand increases every time due to the critical situation and economic crisis: Every week it increases from 5 to 10 people who come and the resources are not enough,” he said.

Asked about the provision of food by the province, Aballay assured that the canteens They are receiving merchandise although “with a slow reaction, It is difficult for us to accommodate the constant demand and the increase week by week,” he said.

He added that other mechanisms are being sought such as solidarity campaigns to collect dry food, sponsors of picnic areas, donations from the Neuquén Concentration market or from the neighborhood grocer. «We are doing what we can, with a 55% of poor people and the merchandise that rots without being distributed,“We know that Minister Pettovello has no sensitivity and must resign,” Aballay postulated.

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