Electrical Company reports schedule of impacts due to general maintenance of the transformer – Escambray

Electrical Company reports schedule of impacts due to general maintenance of the transformer – Escambray
Electrical Company reports schedule of impacts due to general maintenance of the transformer – Escambray

If these actions are not undertaken with due speed, there is a risk of major electrical damage in the main city.

Work should begin this Monday, June 10 if weather conditions improve.

The 110 kilovolt (KV) transformer of the electrical substation number two of Sancti Spíritus will soon undergo general maintenance by specialists from the Electrical Industry Construction Company, ECIE, of Santiago de Cuba; which will generate additional effects on three circuits of the main city.

According to Yoanni Acosta Solenzar, general director of the Spiritus Electric Company (EESS), the work should begin this Monday, June 10 if weather conditions improve, which would affect circuits 116, 117 and 119 of the city.

“This transformer has an oil leak in some parts that make up its structure, which makes it extremely difficult to maintain the completion of the lubricant every time its level drops for two reasons: the first is that there is no oil of this type. in the country and the second is because, when we have had to fill it in, it is necessary to disconnect it from the system,” said the manager.

He assured that, if these actions are not undertaken with due speed, there is a risk of greater damage to the equipment itself and, consequently, a large electrical impact because the transformer powers circuits 116, 117, 118, 119 and 121. .

To minimize inconvenience to the population, the work will be carried out in a staggered manner, stated Acosta Solenzar and also explained that this type of work is carried out only on sunny days in order to prevent humidity from penetrating the device, which would cause irreversible damage.

In the words of the general director of the EESS, next Monday circuits 116, 117, and 119 would be affected during the hours between seven in the morning and 12 noon, approximately five hours long. The second impact for this reason is expected for Thursday, June 13, also for circuits 116, 117 and 119 of Sancti Spíritus.

“Thursday the 13th would be the day with the greatest impact and we are calculating between 10 and 12 consecutive hours of interruption for the aforementioned circuits, between six in the morning and 6 in the afternoon. That day we have to remove all the oil from the transformer, disassemble some of its parts and make the joints in situ and then assemble everything without the slightest mistake.”

“This is, without a doubt, a very complex process that cannot be violated because the oil must be recirculated again and, if it is not done as regulated, we would cause subsequent damage to the transformer,” he said.

According to estimated calculations, the last impact associated with the maintenance of the transformer of substation number two of Sancti Spíritus is scheduled for Monday, June 17 and about six hours of interruption are planned for the aforementioned circuits, between 7 am and one pm.

Acosta Solenzar asked everyone to stay informed through the EESS channel on Telegram and assured that maintenance cannot wait any longer: “We are talking here about a very technical job that demands a very high level of preparation, which we have already achieved. Likewise, we have all the conditions created, which includes the oil to complete the maintenance of the transformer.”

“Now that the national electrical system is in better condition, it is time to carry out this work because we would try to protect or not affect circuits 116, 117 and 119 after the interruptions to which we would be subjecting them to repair the transformer of the Sancti Spiritus substation; In other words, after we turn on the power we will try not to affect them again, if possible, of course,” concluded the director of the EESS.


Monday, June 10: Free access from 07:00 am to 12 noon. The work to be carried out is testing and initial diagnosis of the transformer.

Thursday, June 13: Free access from 06:00 am to 06:00 pm The work to be carried out is the solution to the oil leaks in the transformer.

Monday, June 17: Free access from 07:00 am to 01:00 pm. The work to be carried out is testing and diagnosing the transformer.

To carry out these works, it is necessary to affect the electrical service for circuits 116, 117 and 119.

Circuit 116: Includes the neighborhood area behind the Aqueduct, Acetylene Factory, Camino de las Cañas, Poultry Slaughterhouse, Cerámica Blanca, CPA Ángel Montejo, Tancaje, El Guajén, Avenida 26 de Julio, Jobo Gordo, Avenida Soviet, Reparto 23 de December.

Circuit 117: Includes the area of ​​Las Tosas, Macaguabo, Water Purification Plant, Camino de la Habana, Bayamo and Paseo Norte to Parque Caridad, Céspedes, Independencia to the Park.

Circuit 119: Includes the area of ​​Kilo 12, Reparto Militar, Rotonda, Rancho Hatuey, Los Laureles, Chambelón, Pajonal la Aurora, la Trinchera.

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