Colombian State recognized responsibility for the disappearance of a soldier in Antioquia

Colombian State recognized responsibility for the disappearance of a soldier in Antioquia
Colombian State recognized responsibility for the disappearance of a soldier in Antioquia


With the intermediation of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, the Colombian state recognized that it was responsible for the disappearance of John Freddy Lopera Jaramillo, 27 years ago while he was doing military service in a battalion in San Carlos, Eastern Antioquia.

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“We can only thank the will of the Colombian State and the intermediation of the Inter-American Commission, since Without his management and will, John Freddy’s family would continue on an unfortunate course and be forgotten in indolence. We ask the Honorable Commission for its collaboration in prioritizing the approval of this agreement,” said lawyer Javier Villegas Posada, attorney for the Lopera family.

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Nidia Estela Lopera, sister of the missing soldier, also celebrated the agreement.

“My mother is very happy because the case is going to be clarified, because She says at least the army recognized that my brother is not a deserter. She is very excited. In other words, my mother says that thank God this case is going to come to light, what happened to her son is going to be completely clarified,” said Mrs. Lopera.

The agreement was signed by the director of the National Legal Defense Agency of the State, John Camargo Mota.


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